Time Management - Working Smarter at Work

Written by Lorraine Pirihi

Let's look at your time management skills. Most of us have to work, andrepparttar more you can do inrepparttar 105064 least amount of time,repparttar 105065 better. Working smarter frees you up so that not only do you have a job, but you have a life too!

Getting Back To Basics The most useful "little helper" for business people must surely berepparttar 105066 daily To Do list. You have a couple of choices:

Write your list inrepparttar 105067 morning, asrepparttar 105068 first task atrepparttar 105069 commencement of your working day. Step back a bit and takerepparttar 105070 time to do it before you finish uprepparttar 105071 night before - as your final flourish forrepparttar 105072 day. This helps to free your mind so that you don't take your work home with you. Instead, you just leave it there to stew, all by itself, until you arrive next morning to take uprepparttar 105073 reins. Write It Down Effective time management means writing things down so you don't waste your time worrying about what you've forgotten.

Avoid trying to create a To Do list in your head. It must, must, must be written down. And then left somewhere highly visible, such as your desk top. That's why I suggest writing it in your diary, so you can juggle it with your other commitments.

An effective To Do list will almost always be updated duringrepparttar 105074 day. It is not a static document. As your priorities alter with each crisis, your list will be a work in progress.

First of all, don't be unrealistic. Steel yourself to list onlyrepparttar 105075 achievable projects and activities. If you are unable to complete a task onrepparttar 105076 designated day, simply transfer it torepparttar 105077 next day or another suitable time in your diary. Look atrepparttar 105078 daily To Do list asrepparttar 105079 map that keeps you on track.

When you have written your list inrepparttar 105080 diary, go back and number each item in order of importance. Then, you can simply start with No. One and work your way through.

How To Organize Your Paperwork

Written by Lorraine Pirihi

Many people have a huge challenge coping withrepparttar incoming paperwork. (Whatever happened torepparttar 105061 paperless office?).

Paperwork lands on your desk and somehow finds its way into your in-tray. Eventuallyrepparttar 105062 in-tray becomes so high it explodes and ends up all over your desktop. That's because you avoided taking action on those messy pieces of paperrepparttar 105063 moment they arrived. Now you have no option but to sort throughrepparttar 105064 explosion and tidy uprepparttar 105065 pile or actually do something withrepparttar 105066 paperwork.

It's also frustrating when you need to search throughrepparttar 105067 pile to look for information someone has asked you about. Many times I've contacted people to follow them up and I can automatically picture their desktop as they search their in-tray forrepparttar 105068 information I've sent them.

How can a pile of paper cause you so much stress? If only you could organizerepparttar 105069 paper so that it would disappear! Looking at it is enough to raise anyone's blood pressure. Well here are a few organizing tips to help you tamerepparttar 105070 paperwork.

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