Timberland Boots - For Hiking, Camping, and Everything Else

Written by Johann Erickson

Timberland shoes and boots are relative newcomers torepparttar footwear scene, when you considerrepparttar 135137 history of this type of footwear.

The oldest known evidence of boots comes from a clay impression in Ancient Syria, while cave paintings in Spain, which date back as far as 15,000B.C. show a man in boots of skin and a female in boots of fur. More modern evidence was uncovered in an Egyptian tomb circa 2000B.C.

One ofrepparttar 135138 peculiarities of boots, is that they were a necessity, and atrepparttar 135139 same time, a fashion statement, even inrepparttar 135140 relatively rough early periods of modern man. Peasants wore whatever they could cobble together, while even inrepparttar 135141 16th century, men of means wore highly decorative boots that were useless for all practical purposes. Somewhere during that era in history, even leather guilds that crafted boots for gentlemen, realized that something heavier and more durable was needed for such activities as riding.

But more changes were in store, before Timberland boots arrived onrepparttar 135142 scene. The longer, mid-calf boot that was popular untilrepparttar 135143 19th century, gave way to shorter styles worn with spats. Asrepparttar 135144 20th century rolled on,repparttar 135145 blutcher army boot served as a precursor to today’s recreational boot. These were quickly followed byrepparttar 135146 canvas boot worn by baseball players inrepparttar 135147 1930s, biker boots fromrepparttar 135148 50s, chukka boots inrepparttar 135149 60s, and in 1975, Timberland shoes and boots became part of American lexicon.

Today, Timberland produces a wide range

5 Steps to Stress-Guard Your Family

Written by Dr. Tony Fiore

5 Tips to Stress-Guard Your Family

Part 1: Recognizerepparttar importance of family stress management

Joe and Emily live in Southern California with their three young children. Both work and must commute 2 hours daily on busy freeways, often not getting home until 7:30 PM, exhausted and depleted.

Stressed, they have little patience forrepparttar 135055 antics of their young children. This results in frequent shouting matches, defiance onrepparttar 135056 part ofrepparttar 135057 children, and escalating family tension.

Asrepparttar 135058 above illustrates, stress is often an underlying cause of anger in family members. Sometimesrepparttar 135059 stress is caused by events outside ofrepparttar 135060 family which family members bring intorepparttar 135061 home. In other cases,repparttar 135062 behavior of family members creates stress and tension inrepparttar 135063 home. In either case, it becomes a problem when parents find themselves constantly yelling at their children or disagreeing with each other on parenting strategies.

Inrepparttar 135064 meantime their children continue to do what they please—or continue bickering and fighting with each other. When not addressed, stress becomes a major factor in marital unhappiness and, ultimately, divorce.

Stress and family members Joe and Emily both suffered individual stress symptoms. These included fatigue, irritability, angry outbursts, headaches and a discontent with their lives. They began feeling increasingly distant from each other.

Their children were also stressed-out; tired, irritable, cranky, and demanding of attention. They often fought with each other and deliberately did things to get each other in trouble with their parents.

Symptoms of family stress

Just as individuals can become overloaded and stressed-out, so can families. To understand how this can happen, we must remember that families such as Joe and Emily’s arerepparttar 135065 basic building block of our society (like most societies).

Part 2: How empathy reduces family anger

Families consist of two or more people with shared goals and values and with a long term commitment to each other. Families are supposed to help children learn how to become responsible, successful, happy, and well-adjusted adults. When this no longer happens due to stress,repparttar 135066 family unit becomes dysfunctional —asrepparttar 135067 family no longer serves its purpose fully, easily or consistently.

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