Thrills Drills and Barbecue Drills

Written by Mike Banks Valentine

Big business is being taken for a very expensive ride. By whom? By each other. Confidence games are being perpetrated by Global corporations uponrepparttar only victims that can afford huge losses -- other Global corporations.

How dorepparttar 121736 crooks get away with this? I submit that it's becoming harder for them to do -- except with each other! Somehowrepparttar 121737 giant corporations don't get that other giant corporations are scamming them out of huge amounts of cash for dubious deliverables.

CRM (customer relationship management) software costs upwards of $325,000 with additional integration costs of up to $100,000 and according to a recent Interactive Week Magazine article,,4164,2777006,00.html

that expensive software is so effective that it triggered a direct mail promotion from American Express to a heterosexual man, but that promotion was targeted at gay men, lesbians and domestic partners. His wife was as confused as he atrepparttar 121738 obvious blunder! That interesting vignette comes fromrepparttar 121739 same article.

Let's see now, I'm going to pay about a half million dollars so that my company can offend and confuse my customers. Not a bad investment! What this means torepparttar 121740 consumer is that they may receive appropriate advertising and promotional material ifrepparttar 121741 software can draw logical conclusions based on past purchases, inquiries and page visits. A laudable goal if it worked perfectly but it clearly does not!

What it means in reality is that users of datamining software can send innapropriate promotions to people that may be confused, may be offended and certainly annoyed by their material even when it was requested, as it was in this case. You've taken a potential sale and turned it into a blunder. What does that do for lifetime customer value? How about return on investment figures with that?

I have a hosted application that can provide you incorrect and mixed-up customer data mining which cost only $60,000 yearly to host for you! I'd sure like to seerepparttar 121742 ROI (Return on investment) generated by that chunk of change! I also have a bridge for sale.

Is it any wonder that corporations are going bust? They're falling for scams that rip them off on a huge scale perpetrated by con artists offering data mining, knowledge management, CRM solutions.

I'd like to offer up a scenario that might illustrate awful data mining results. I also like to suggest that this is probably illustrative of why this expensive software might work but is inherently flawed inrepparttar 121743 conclusions it draws.

I visit an online book seller to buy a cookbook for my nephew, who is considering attending a culinary college. The confirmation page is prompted byrepparttar 121744 datamining software to display an advertisement for a recipe site whenrepparttar 121745 purchase is completed, I'm not interested in that so I jump to my favorites and click on Yahoo, where I notice a banner ad for power tools and recall that I need a new reversible drill to help repair my patio deck.

Can You Really Become a Marketing "Genius"?

Written by Marty Foley

Effective marketing is vitally important no matter what business you're in. Consider what marketing expert Jay Abraham said about a vital key to marketing success: "Anyone can become a virtual marketing genius equivalent by doing one simple thing: testing."

In other words, learn how to test test various elements of your marketing to find which of them really work - and which don't - and you can learn how to market effectively.

Notice that Jay did not say that by testing anyone would BECOME a marketing genius. He said "marketing genius EQUIVALENT." In other words, if you're willing to do what most marketers don't do - test, and adjust accordingly -repparttar results can berepparttar 121735 same.

Yes, by testing, you can generaterepparttar 121736 same results as a marketing genius, without having to be one.

Despiterepparttar 121737 dramatic increases in response that can be gained through scientific testing, most marketers and copywriters today still don't take advantage of it. Still others either don't test enough, or don't test properly.

One reason many don't test is that by focusing on "institutional advertising," they don't have to be held accountable forrepparttar 121738 results (or more likely,repparttar 121739 lack of results) of their marketing. Their view of an ad's success is, more often than not, whether it "looks good," "makes people laugh," or "wins advertising awards." Not whether it produces bottom line results.

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