Three Ways to Generate New Business

Written by Kate Smalley

Three ways to generate new business

One ofrepparttar biggest challenges for small business owners is finding a fast, effective way to bring in new customers. That’s because most owners must wear several hats – bookkeeper, technical support representative, human resources manager and marketer. And, of course, owners must provide quality goods or services. Findingrepparttar 103686 time to market can be especially difficult if you are a one- or two-person operation.

The reality is that spendingrepparttar 103687 time to market is essential to maintaining or growing a business. It helps you avoid one ofrepparttar 103688 biggest pitfalls in small business: relying on a big client or two forrepparttar 103689 lion’s share of your company’s revenue.

Two things often happen in this scenario. First, business tend to provide preferential treatment torepparttar 103690 older, bigger client rather than to smaller, new client, which may cost some business. Secondly, businesses find themselves in a tenuous position by putting most of their eggs in one basket. Ifrepparttar 103691 primary client leaves,repparttar 103692 company could be economically devastated.

A healthy company always has new clients coming inrepparttar 103693 door as well as happy existing clients. You can rely on word of mouth to get those new clients on board, but usually it’s not enough. Here are three tips to help you stay on top of marketing efforts.

Get organized. Hire someone to create a database of that huge stack of business cards that you’ve been keeping in your top desk drawer. Make sure it’s a database you can easily use for emails or mailings – like your Microsoft Outlook contacts or ACT! Having all your potential customers at your fingertips is money well spent.

Once you have all your contacts input, you can send targeted e-mails or letters to your potential clients. Makerepparttar 103694 messages short and sweet, as well as informative. People look forward to getting valuable information, so give it to them. Follow up with a phone call to find out ifrepparttar 103695 information was helpful and if your company can provide goods or services.

USA and Canada in the top of indoor tanning products

Written by Dana Scripca

In United States of America and Canada, indoor tanning products are very usual. Moreover,repparttar indoor tanning businesses have appreciably grown inrepparttar 103685 last 25 years and are still increasing, getting more and more sophisticated.

It's hard to compete withrepparttar 103686 global beauty industry. Surprisingly or not,repparttar 103687 American population is spending more time and money on beauty than on their education. Thus, regardless of sex, nationality, age or occupation, Americans are extremely attached to indoor tanning salons. The usual surveys revealrepparttar 103688 extent ofrepparttar 103689 indoor tanning business in local communities. Americans and Canadians are satisfied withrepparttar 103690 fact that indoor salons provide a rigurously controlled tanning process, gradual and under supervision. Thanks to these factors, sunburns and health problems are almost out ofrepparttar 103691 question. For instance, 85 percent of those surveyed admit that they really believe in indoor tanning safety. A lot of people also appreciaterepparttar 103692 privacy andrepparttar 103693 comfort they get in a tanning salon, which offers them a real break from allrepparttar 103694 daily tasks they have to attend.

The latest surveys reveal a more balanced male/female profile as compared to a few years ago. Unlike nowadays, in 1996, in most cases women were usual clients. But inrepparttar 103695 recent years men have become accustomed to indoor tanning facilities and tanning tips.

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