Three Ways Flat Rate Conferencing Can Help Grow Your Business

Written by Tom Parker

There is no question that teleconferencing is revolutionizingrepparttar way that people do business, both on repparttar 119840 Internet and offline.

Internet marketers, coaches, consultants, counsellors, major corporations, even Sunday School teachers are using teleconferencing to stay in contact with their staff, clients, potential customers, and classes without having to set up a meeting place.

Teleconferencing has also added a new dimension torepparttar 119841 way people can teach and deliver information overrepparttar 119842 Internet. Seminars and classes can now be held for hundreds of people atrepparttar 119843 same time without having to leave their homes. With a preset date and time, people can call a number and either learn more information about a topic or participate in a forum of discussion.

Charges for admission to these types of calls can be anywhere from $20 to $30 up to $100's of dollars for typically one hour.

Three Ways To Boost Your Income And Grow Your Business

Teleconferences can lead to an amazing growth in your income, and credibility as an expert on a given situation. You can also ADD more to your conferencing by utilizing flat rate conferencing.

Flat rate teleconferencing is simply setting up an account for unlimited monthly conference calls for a set rate. By doing so, marketers are seeing exponential growth in both their reach of new customers and as a byproduct, their income.

In watching this use of flat rate telenconferencing among individual marketers, corporate executives, coaches, and consultants I have singled out three ways that flat rate conferencing can lead to added growth and income.

1. Talk As Much As You Want.

Typicallyrepparttar 119844 average conference call would last for one hour. But, there are times whenrepparttar 119845 conversation, and/or, meeting would take on a whole new life and 60 minutes just isn't enough time. But, eitherrepparttar 119846 call is cut off orrepparttar 119847 host has to pay extra charges.

Top 7 Internet Marketing Sites for 2005

Written by Jinger Jarrett

Are you confused by what really works when marketing your business online?

I knowrepparttar feeling. There are literally thousands of sites out there that either promise to teach you how to effectively market online or tell you that they haverepparttar 119839 magic formula.

However, there are some tried and true methods of internet marketing that actually work and never go out of style.

These seven sites will teach you how to market, and many ofrepparttar 119840 resources they offer are absolutely free.

Internet Marketing Trainer - - For my money, and in my opinion, Malaysian marketer Richard Quek is one ofrepparttar 119841 best. His ebook "Exposed!" isrepparttar 119842 internet marketing bible in that it will teach you all ofrepparttar 119843 marketing methods you can use online, and it gives you all ofrepparttar 119844 resources to set up a successful marketing campaign, most of them free. This ebook is so good that I keep a copy of it on my desk for reference.

His Internet Marketing Trainer site is no different. You'll find some valuable freebies here to help you market online, andrepparttar 119845 newsletter is excellent.

Teach Me Marketing - - Owned by marketing extraordinaire, Jimmy D. Brown, you'll get over $197 worth of materials to teach you how to market. Jimmy has, and is, one of my favorite marketing gurus because not only will he show you what to do, he will teach you how to do it. Most ofrepparttar 119846 marketing materials I own, I bought from him because they are excellent.

I've been deeply influenced by his style of writing, and I've found that readers really appreciate it when you explain how to do things in plain language without talking down to them. Excellent.

Boaze Publishing - - Run by master list builder Steven Boaze (his list is currently over 200,000 strong), you'll get a newsletter three times a week with some ofrepparttar 119847 best commentary and articles on marketing online. He also offers you an extensive collection of ebooks, as well as his ecourses, absolutely free. His methods are tried and tested, and he gives you his best information and recommendations, all for free.

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