Three Tips to Forgiveness: A Key Factor in Anger Management

Written by Dr. Tony Fiore

Three Tips to Forgiveness: A Key Factor in Anger Managerment

Elizabeth, 32, cried during anger management class as she told how one year ago - her 19-month-old girl was permanently brain-damaged asrepparttar result of a medical error atrepparttar 128954 hospital in which she was delivered.

Elizabeth had a legitimate grievance towardrepparttar 128955 hospital and medical staff, and felt that she could never forgive them for what she saw as theri incompetence. She clearly was not yet ready to forgive. She felt she needed her simmering anger to motiviate her to do what she felt she needed to do legally and otherwise to deal with this horrific situation.

Yet, at some point inrepparttar 128956 future - when she is ready - Elizabeth might decide to find a way to forgive. To be able to do this, she will have to takerepparttar 128957 step of separating two things in her mind: (1) blamingrepparttar 128958 hospital for what they did and (2) blaming them for her resulting feelings aboutrepparttar 128959 situation.

Reasons to forgive

Elizabeth cannot change what was done to her daughter, but she can change how she livesrepparttar 128960 rest of her life. If she continues to hold an intense grievance, she is giving what happened inrepparttar 128961 pastrepparttar 128962 power to determine her present emotional well being. Until she forgives, Elizabeth will be victimized over and over again, trapped in an emotional prison.

Should you forgive?

The answer to this question always comes down to personal choices and decisions. Some people in our anger management classes feel that certain things cannot and shouldn't be forgiven; others feel that ultimately anything can be forgiven.

As an example of what is possible,repparttar 128963 staff ofrepparttar 128964 Stanford Forgiveness Project successfully worked with Protestant and Catholic families of Northern Ireland whose children had been killed by each other. Usingrepparttar 128965 techniques taught byrepparttar 128966 Stanford group, these grieving parents were able to forgive and get on with their lives.

The Art of Concentration.

Written by Gerard Bulger

Art of Concentration

At times we say to ourselves ‘I must concentrate to finish this job’, we know there are many times and situations within our daily life where it is necessary to concentrate to completerepparttar job in hand. But how many of us really know how to concentrate, how to shutout allrepparttar 128952 distractions around us, how to be consciously aware ofrepparttar 128953 task in front of us. The psychologists suggest that a man thinks of sex once every 30 seconds, which means of course he can concentrate on little else. And it is also a fact that when we do concentrate it is quite often on a subject that is no good for us and has no lasting benefits.

Yet we all instinctively know that if we are able to concentrate completely upon a subject it would be achieved quickly and with a minimum of distraction. In fact in those rare moments when we do completely concentrate time itself seems to contract, there is also an inner sense of joy and accomplishment wheneverrepparttar 128954 task is completed.

Some call concentration an Art and being so it can be learnt and practiced, althoughrepparttar 128955 lessons and methods are fairly easy they do require a sense of discipline, but if masteredrepparttar 128956 benefits will be apparent throughout your life. Concentration also has an aspect about which most people are unaware, that is, when in deep concentration we are also connected more closely with our subconscious. This in itself can bring much understanding into our life. Many religious and philosophical practices are designed in order to stop our conscious mind being aware ofrepparttar 128957 many distractions around us while contemplating, their procedures all haverepparttar 128958 one purpose of creating a deep connection initially torepparttar 128959 subconscious and then torepparttar 128960 higher spiritual realms. When we can fully concentrate upon a subject or a moment in time this connection opens and becomes available to us.

Closely associated with concentration is willpower,repparttar 128961 relationship is totally dependent without one you cannot haverepparttar 128962 other. Think of an athlete in an Olympic running final, his willpower has sustained him in his goal of reachingrepparttar 128963 final and eventually winning. But it is at that moment just beforerepparttar 128964 whistle blows where he needs his full concentration, if he allows distractions then all will be lost,repparttar 128965 other competitors and allrepparttar 128966 spectators must be blocked from his mind. There are many other situations with which I'm sure you can imagine where both willpower and concentration are needed in equal parts.

We all have abilities and talents that we rarely use torepparttar 128967 fullest potential, we often think if I could just concentrate that little bit more I might make a success of this particular project, although this article can barely dorepparttar 128968 subject of concentration justice,repparttar 128969 following exercises may be a starting point from which you begin a journey of self-discovery.

We could apply concentration to each task that we performed duringrepparttar 128970 day, this in itself would be beneficial, we would begin to experience an inner calm inrepparttar 128971 increasing chaotic world around us. Yet whererepparttar 128972 power of concentration can really help is when we apply it to a particular project or aspect in our life, a goal or desire that we wish to manifest. Thoughts have power, we know that when people experience fear, anxiety or worry,repparttar 128973 body can react, hair can turn gray, hearts can stop. In equal measure thoughts of happiness and joy can light up our life. Sorepparttar 128974 power of concentration can best be used on goals and desires that enhance our lives, using concentration in such a way allows us to create our own reality we take control of our life.

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