Three Steps Critical to New Year's Resolutions That Work

Written by Jerry Lopper

his isrepparttar time of year when many of us will make New Year’s resolutions-some out of habit, others out ofrepparttar 130471 sincere hope to improve some aspect of life. Research and experience tell us that most resolutions fail. Why is that? There are many reasons-some quite obvious, such as not really wanting to makerepparttar 130472 change-but one reason that accounts for many resolution failures isn’t reported inrepparttar 130473 general literature. When you try to make a change to a life situation while violatingrepparttar 130474 spiritual law of attraction you’re bound to fail. You won’t findrepparttar 130475 law of attraction in any scientific text (yet), but it is critical to any change you wish to make in life.

In my words,repparttar 130476 law of attraction is that we attract events and circumstances that vibrate atrepparttar 130477 same or similar frequencies we emit. All energy has an inherent vibration frequency, likerepparttar 130478 pitch of a voice. Picture positive events, thinking, and circumstances as high frequency vibration-the treble-while negative events, thinking, and circumstances vibrate at low frequency-the base. We intuitively know this. When we’re feeling good, we often say we’re high. And when we’re feeling bad, we usually say we’re down, or feeling low.

For example, let’s say I resolve to lose 20 pounds. Why? Well, I’m 20 pounds too heavy-a negative. By focusing onrepparttar 130479 negative situation I wish to change, my thinking and my emotions center onrepparttar 130480 negative and I naturally emitrepparttar 130481 low frequency energy inherent of negativity. When I focus onrepparttar 130482 negative, I attract more that is negative. That’srepparttar 130483 wayrepparttar 130484 Universe works. Resolutions that focus on a negative situation will only attract more ofrepparttar 130485 same or a similar negative situation.

Grief And The Holidays

Written by Dave Turo-Shields, ACSW, LCSW

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Title: GRIEF AND THE HOLIDAYS Author: Dave Turo-Shields, ACSW, LCSW Email: copyright: by Dave Turo-Shields, ACSW, LCSW Web Address: Word Count: 422 Category: Coping With Grief And The Holidays


The holidays bring grief to an all new height for those who are suffering from losses or struggle with depression, anxiety, chronic illness or other such disorders. This newsletter is for those who suffer and for those who love them.

If it's a merry Christmas for you, please take a moment to forward this, or print it offrepparttar 130469 article and give to a friend or family member in need.

This will be an action-based holiday survival guide. Let's begin...

1. PLAN AHEAD - Don't allowrepparttar 130470 holidays to simply happen. Plan ahead forrepparttar 130471 best outcome.

2. PERFORM AT YOUR ABILITY - Accept your limitations and don't beat yourself up for not havingrepparttar 130472 Christmas you think you "ought" to have.

3. CUT OUT OR CREATE NEW RITUALS - If specific rituals are too painful, leave them out this year. Add a new holiday ritual.

4. ASK FOR HELP - Reach out to others for help shopping, cooking, wrapping etc.

5. VOCALIZE YOUR NEEDS - Tell folks you're struggling. Be specific about how they can help.

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