Three Great Ways to Deal with Negative People

Written by Peter Murphy

1 Do not believe everything you hear!

With close friends and family it is not unusual to think that you ought to take onboard everything you hear. However do not confuse caring with knowing.

Just because someone is concerned for your welfare does not mean that their advice or input has value. For example, I know a lot about peak performance. I do not know much about car maintenance.

If I ever offer you advice on rebuilding a car engine run as fast as you can! My input would have little or no value.

Likewise with friends and family. They may be negative about you, your plans and your opinions simply because they lackrepparttar knowledge to think positively aboutrepparttar 129692 situation. Their ignorance causes them to fear for your welfare.

Distinguish between caring andrepparttar 129693 knowledge to offer worthwhile input.

2 Let go of needing their approval:

I often mention this principle because it is so important. As long as you must haverepparttar 129694 permission, approval and acceptance of your peers you are a victim of their limiting beliefs.

You must let go of wanting approval if you are to ever have peace of mind.

The easiest way is to learn The Sedona Method. To get started right now ask yourself -- could I let go of wanting John´s approval? Where John isrepparttar 129695 name ofrepparttar 129696 negative person.

Noticerepparttar 129697 feeling response that comes up for you and repeatrepparttar 129698 question for at least twenty minutes until you feel lighter and more at peace.

Recreating Yourself

Written by Skye Thomas

So it's time for a change. You've taken that hard look inrepparttar mirror and you've decided that who you are is not who you want to be. Or perhaps you're standing at a fork inrepparttar 129690 road and where you'd like to go requires that you make some changes. Maybe you're just really bored with your life as you've been in that same old rut for so long that you just want to scream if you spend another day doingrepparttar 129691 same amazingly boring things all over again. The reasons for change are as varied asrepparttar 129692 people makingrepparttar 129693 decision to do so. The only thing you have to remember is thatrepparttar 129694 change must come from you, not from someone else. And it can't be a gift to someone else, it won't work. Ultimately, recreating ourselves is a very personal choice and a very personal decision that others really can't help us with.

Your wife thinks you drink too much and should quit. Your parents think you screw off too much and need to pull better grades. Your boss thinks you're a slacker and you need to be more professional. Ifrepparttar 129695 people in your life are hammering you to change, then it may be time to take a long hard look inrepparttar 129696 mirror. To some extent you have to be open torepparttar 129697 idea that they may be right. However, they aren't you. They can't walk in your shoes. Nobody can completely totally understand another person. Only you really know what is right for you. Only you can pick your path in life, who you choose to walk with alongrepparttar 129698 way, and what kind of person you are while traveling. Some people are misunderstood visionary geniuses. Others are simply rebellious and lazy. Most of us fall somewhere in between. You cannot let others dictate who or what you are to become. The choice to recreate yourself must come from within.

Now if you've looked deep within and you've decided that you want to change because you would be happier, then it's time to start. My personal moment came when I realized that I was only twenty-five and was never ever going to fall in love again and was going to be shattered and heartbroken for another fifty years or so before I'd finally get to roll over and die. A very morbid thought I know, but that's exactly my point. At some point you dorepparttar 129699 math asking yourself, "If I stay just like this - on this path - with this mindset - with this income level - with these people surrounding me - with this lifestyle - How will my life look in five years? In ten? In fifty?" It can be an incredibly sobering and depressing answer. Mine was, so I made a decision to change who I was so thatrepparttar 129700 next fifty years would at least be different with a chance of happiness. I think we can safely assume that if you're reading this, then you aren't one of those people who is happily moving through life on a path they love, with people they love, and an attitude that is a joy to behold. If that is you, thank you! Please continue to role model it for everyone else and whenever possible cheer someone on as they makerepparttar 129701 changes to dorepparttar 129702 same. As forrepparttar 129703 rest of us who've hit that point where after analysis we've decided to make a fresh start as someone else other than who we are, where do we start?

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