Three Effective Ways to Reduce Stress

Written by Michael G. Rayel, MD

The American Institute of Stress reports that stress among Americans is significantly rising. About $300 billion a year is lost due to stress-related reduced productivity, absenteeism, insurance cost, health-related programs, and employee dissatisfaction.

This is a sad fact.

Signs of stress are palpable everywhere. Demanding bosses, adamant customers, arrogant experts and consultants, irresponsible workers, intriguing politics cause apprehension inrepparttar workplace. While fighting couples, nagging wives, philandering husbands, and behaviorally-challenged kids inflict chaos inrepparttar 130696 homes.

However, a little stress is as necessary asrepparttar 130697 need to breathe fresh air or eat nutritious food. Stress somehow serves a purpose. A little stress helps a person prepare better, perform better, and think better. Sometimes without stress, there is no push.

But for some people, being stressed becomesrepparttar 130698 sole purpose and is a way of life. While breathing and eating are physiologic needs, excessive stress is too costly – a luxury that we can’t afford to have.

How can you effectively deal with stress? What’srepparttar 130699 role ofrepparttar 130700 I AM principle?

The I AM principle is an acronym that corresponds torepparttar 130701 three practical ways to effectively deal with tension: Ignore trifles, Acceptrepparttar 130702 things that can’t be changed, and Move on.

Ignore Trifles

What are trifles? Trifles are by definition small, superficial, inconsequential, unimportant, insignificant entities. Office politics, unfair rumors, bigot’s opinion, unpolished shoes, prolonged traffic, and stained shirt are good examples. Trifles in general don’t matter inrepparttar 130703 great scheme of things.

Why are people then so preoccupied with trivial things?

People focus on trifles because there is nothing big going on in their lives. Some people, despiterepparttar 130704 presence of major things in their lives, prefer to focus onrepparttar 130705 trivial for fear thatrepparttar 130706 “big ones” will overwhelm them. Some prefer to rot inrepparttar 130707 comforts of inactivity for fear of failure.

Becoming an Excellent Human: Five Great Ideas from Aristotle

Written by Maya Talisman Frost

It was Socrates who said thatrepparttar purpose of philosophy is to help each of us become “an excellent human”. That seems like a respectable and reasonable big-picture goal for every person onrepparttar 130694 planet.

But what aboutrepparttar 130695 specifics? How do we become excellent humans? How can we use philosophy in our everyday lives to help us succeed in this most important goal as homo sapiens?

The surprising thing about philosophy is that it is incredibly user-friendly if you take it in small doses. For thousands of years, thoughtful individuals have contemplatedrepparttar 130696 meaning of life. Many ofrepparttar 130697 greatest philosophers spoke eloquently aboutrepparttar 130698 challenges we all face today in words that are easily understood and truly inspiring.

Don’t believe it? Let’s start with a few thoughts from Aristotle. The student of Plato, who wasrepparttar 130699 student of Socrates, Aristotle lived inrepparttar 130700 third century B.C. But don’t hold that against him!

Aristotle was full of interesting ideas, and he had quite a sense of humor as well. He’s a guy you could imagine sitting in your kitchen, engaging in a memorable conversation over a shared bottle of wine. Think of him as a really wise friend, and use his ideas to help you TODAY to become a more excellent human.

Aristotle believed that everything had a purpose. He stated that our purpose as humans is to think in order to live a good life. That’s it. As long as we continue to contemplaterepparttar 130701 universe and our role in it, we are fulfilling our purpose.

So, to help you contemplaterepparttar 130702 universe today, here are five inspiring thoughts from our friend, Aristotle:

Thought #1: “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”

What is it that you repeatedly do? Greet people onrepparttar 130703 street, let another car into a busy street in front of you, leave nice tips for frazzled waitpersons, read to your children, phone your elderly aunt? What do your habits say about you? Is thatrepparttar 130704 message you want to send?

How can you change your habits or adopt new ones to reflect your desire to become more excellent? What excellent acts can you do repeatedly so that they become a habit? What can you do TODAY to intentionally start a habit that will lead to excellence? Pick something simple and just get started.

Thought #2: “Education isrepparttar 130705 best provision for old age.”

What are you learning these days?

How are you spending your free time? Take a look at how you are including learning in your daily life. Do you read? If so, are you learning from it? Do you watch television? Yes, it can be educational, but seriously analyze your viewing habits and see if you can’t incorporate more learning and less vegetating.

Don’t pick something boring. Choose ways to learn that excite and inspire you. A cooking class through your local community college? A new sport? A stack of library books on a country you’re hoping to visit someday?

Pursue your interests with a passion, and you will always continue learning. Promise yourself you’ll always have interesting things to talk about when you are old—and this doesn't mean ailments and treatments! Learn now how to ignite your own curiosity and pursue learning as a lifelong adventure.

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