Thoughts on the Road to Emmaus

Written by Staci Stallings

“. . . their eyes were opened, and they recognized him . . .” –Luke 24:31

Two friends—people who had known Jesus, who had walked with Him, talked with Him, and eaten meals with Him every day for three years didn’t recognize Him even on a long walk down a dusty road. Have you ever wondered about that? I have. How could that possibly be?

The reality is:repparttar disciples were looking at a man who happened to be traveling alongrepparttar 122692 same road they were. They did not see Jesus because they did not expect to see Jesus.

How many times on our walks through life do we not see Jesus? How many times do we talk with a co-worker or a parent or a child or a friend or even someone we have never met before and fail to recognize that this person holds a precious piece of Our Lord and Savior within them? And because we don’t recognize Jesus in them, we treat them not as we would treat Jesus, but as just our friend, or just our co-worker, or just our child.

It must make Jesus terribly sad that for all our flowery words and pious presumptions, we still do not recognize Him in each other.

Moreover, consider this: Is it possible that in religious settings, we look at one another, and instead of seeing Jesus, we see onlyrepparttar 122693 other person’s religion, their label? And because we don’t see Jesus, we say, "You are so obviously not spiritual—look, you stand when we are kneeling, or you use crucifixes instead of picturingrepparttar 122694 risen Lord, or you pray to statues and icons instead of torepparttar 122695 living God, or you don’t have our label, and so, obviously God is not going to let you into His kingdom."

Thus, we spend so much time questioning each other's commitment to Jesus and so much time fighting over man-made rules and laws that we forget about those people who are lost and hurting. We forget to do God's real work—ministering to those who are hungry for His word and His truths to come into their lives. Instead, having been seduced by Satan to believe that God's kingdom is some kind of exclusive club, we spend our time fighting with each other about who is going to get in and completely fail to see thatrepparttar 122696 world is going to hell around us.

The Power of Simplicity in Holistic Living

Written by Prem Nirmal

What does it take to live life holistically?

It definitely does not require a degree from well known university, a high paying job or huge bank balance. Holistic living has nothing to do with all that!

Holistic living simply means…..

1) To enjoy positive health and wellness with physical body

2) To have sharp and alert mind

3) To have positive emotions such as Zest, Love, Joy

4) To be aware spiritually

Holistic living is all about being human! More and more human!!

The effect of Negative

Majority of people who have had too many negative experiences in life get stuck withrepparttar negative polarity. So, in such cases where negative polarity is dominant in human experience, living holistically does take commitment, practice with patience and clear intention to create balance and evolve wholeness consciously.

Holistic living is to emphasizerepparttar 122691 positive in all dimensions. To begin with, create wholeness inrepparttar 122692 grosser trio of Body-Mind-Emotions. Once these grosser dimensions are brought in a state of balance, then we can actualize repparttar 122693 more subtle dimensions.

The effect of Positive

A simple practice like smiling more often can have profound impact on our personality.Smiling is one ofrepparttar 122694 natural and simplest things we can do. It doesn’t cost anything! Scientific studies have shownrepparttar 122695 uplifting effects onrepparttar 122696 mind and emotions from a simple smile.

Conscious attention onrepparttar 122697 breath is another simple practice. It is such simple practices as these that can create balance betweenrepparttar 122698 negative and positive polarities. By being diligent inrepparttar 122699 practice of life affirmative techniques, we can make a profound shift in our state of being.

The effect of Kriya

Practice “Tatwa Breathing” (25 connected breaths) or “Elemental Breathing” consciously. Start it with a couple of deep breaths. Now start with four short breaths and end with a long breath. This makesrepparttar 122700 train of five connected breaths. Repeat such train five times and you have completed “Elemental breathing”. (All 25 breaths should be connected without stopping in between). Tatwa breathing is based onrepparttar 122701 fact that our body is made of five tatwas or elements namely Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space. Once these five elements are balanced within our body, we experience wellness! It is such a simple practice which does not need any cassette or gadget for practicing. Also, breathing in such simple way does not even cost you anything! You do not need to travel to attend any group for practicing this Kriya. For next few days, simply focus onrepparttar 122702 practice of this simple Kriya. Also focus on simplicity with regards to your holistic lifestyle.

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