This Privacy Stuff is Really Bugging Me!

Written by Mike Banks Valentine

There is a nasty little privacy parasite loose on your computer. You get it by visiting web sites with "bugs" on them. Typically served by ad tracking, affiliate tracking and even email tracking companies to measurerepparttar effectiveness of their ads, track their visitors and find out when you open their email. Web bugs are tiny, invisible 1 pixel by 1 pixel graphic files that notify a third party web site when a page, an ad or an email is viewed.

Now if you've joined an affiliate program through any ofrepparttar 132123 major affiliate tracking companies, you have probably even put these bugs on your own pages without knowing what you've done. They come inrepparttar 132124 HTML code you are given to paste into your page by Commission Junction or LinkShare or BeFree networks and LinkExchange to track your visitors so you can be paid your affiliate commissions.

You'll see onrepparttar 132125 link code something like this

This is actuallyrepparttar 132126 WebSite101 code for our affiliate link to and is required by their affiliate program. This is a "good" use of web bugs to track commission payments to affiliates. It allowsrepparttar 132127 host to track exactly what web page was visited byrepparttar 132128 surfer and when so that affiliate links can be tracked from their source.

The "bad" bugs are those used by ad servers to track which advertisements are viewed by surfers and combine it with other information stored about that surfer at other web sites. There are bugs included in HTML email -- those messages that include graphics, fonts and page color inrepparttar 132129 messages -- to see whenrepparttar 132130 email was opened and can even tell where on your hard drive that email is stored, when it was viewed, how long it was open and ifrepparttar 132131 links are clicked on.

Are We Losing our Privacy?

Written by Merle

If you spend any amount of time online you've heard about "privacy policies." Privacy issues are becoming a major concern online. Every time you visit a website, fill out a form, or purchase an online product or service, you're giving out personal information. Did you ever stop and wonder what website owners are doing with that information?

The information collected can be sold to third parties -- usually ad agencies and marketers -- or kept byrepparttar site owners themselves for use in creating a profile of your preferences and tastes.

You might think if you've never filled out a form or even given out your e-mail address they have nothing on you. Think again. Information can be gathered about you every time you log ontorepparttar 132122 Net. Certain types of information can be learned about you "invisibly" that you're not even aware of such as:

1) Your IP Address (the address given to your PC by your ISP whenever you log on).

2) The type of PC you have

3) The Browser you are using

4) Operating System you're running

5) Domain Registered Name

With more and more sites gathering information it's more important than ever to implement your own privacy policy and to be aware of others' policies when giving them your information.

A privacy policy is a statement or article that spells out what you do with any personal data collected by your website. Although not mandatory it is a good idea to implement one on your site if you collect any kind of personal data from visitors to your website. A privacy policy also will make your site guests feel more comfortable sharing their information with you, knowing you won't sell it torepparttar 132123 highest bidder.

So what components make up a privacy policy?

1) Clearly state what information you are collecting and if you share it with any third parties.

2) Give a way for site visitors to change any information given now, at a later date.

3) Clearly state how you are storingrepparttar 132124 collected information.

4) Information on how to opt out of any future mailings from your company.

5) If your site uses cookies this must be disclosed.

Use simple wording in your policy instead of high tech language, and don't collect any information that you really don't need. It's important to keep up on any new laws regarding privacy policies in case you need to modify it later on.

If you need help creating a policy you can use Truste's online wizard at This will give you a good starting base and you can editrepparttar 132125 final product to fit your site's needs. After creating it make sure you link to it from every page on your site.

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