According to,
most growth in US Internet users was people over 65, and "by staggering margins". Here's some more from
latest surveys.1. Older adults (50-64) and seniors (65+) were two of
fastest emerging demographic groups online. (Jupiter Research)
2. Roughly 17 million US surfers during September 2003 were between
ages of 2 and 17.
3.High earners spend
most time online.
4.Like manna from heaven, comScoreMediaMetrix found that those earning above $100,000 annually spent
most time online and viewed
most pages.
Nearly 84% of them visited a retail site. They are 20% more likely to visit a travel site than
average Internet user, and they’re 10% more likely to visit news sites.
5.Where are all
men 18-34 no longer watching network tv (according to reports? Studies are suggesting they're online! Men in this age group spend 17% more time online and really rip through a whole lot more pages.
6.A group called
“Tech Elite”, 31% of
US population, consumes
most information, goods and services and they are
most likely to abandon televisions and landline phones.
They’re defined as
a.The “Young Tech Elites”, average age 22, account for 20% of highest adopters b.“Older Wired Baby Boomers,” average age 52, also 20% c.“Wired GenXers,” average age 36, at 60%