This Is The Day the Lord Has Made...SPLASH!

Written by John Tyler

Last Saturday morning I jumped fromrepparttar bed, excited aboutrepparttar 126802 day.

I maderepparttar 126803 bed quickly and threw my hands towardrepparttar 126804 ceiling as I walked torepparttar 126805 bedroom door.

"Lord," I declared, "I just want to thank you that I'm a child ofrepparttar 126806 most high God this morning! This isrepparttar 126807 dayrepparttar 126808 Lord has made, and I will rejoice and be glad..."


In mid-sentence, I had thrown openrepparttar 126809 door to my bedroom and stepped into a pool of water covering my living room carpet.

"..and be glad in it, Lord," I finished, shaking my head.

The hot water heater had apparently gone out, and running water had been covering an entire bedroom andrepparttar 126810 living room...all night long.

I would have plenty of time to rejoice inrepparttar 126811 Lord as I vacuumed water and tore out carpet.

"I will blessrepparttar 126812 Lord at all times," wrote David inrepparttar 126813 34th Psalm. "His praise shall continually be in my mouth."

I wonder if he wrote those words while fixing a flat tire onrepparttar 126814 freeway, or picking up a treatrepparttar 126815 dog left onrepparttar 126816 floor inrepparttar 126817 kitchen? David was human, wasn't he? Could he really expect us to maintain an attitude of praise at all times?

I wrestled with God on this one. I found myself fighting to stay "happy."

"Okay, Lord," I reasoned, "In Romans 8:28, you said that in all things you work forrepparttar 126818 good of those who love you and are called according to your purpose. I'm going to give yourepparttar 126819 opportunity to prove yourself this morning.

"Please show me how this inconvenient, uncomfortable, potentially expensive situation is going to work out for my good."

Shortly thereafter, there was a knock on my door.

It was Jose,repparttar 126820 water heater repair guy.

"It looks like you're having a rough day," he said, taking a look atrepparttar 126821 water heater connections.

"Yes," I said, trying to remain positive. "But, it's just a little water. It could be worse."

"Oh yeah, it could," Jose replied, walking out to his truck to retrieve tools.

His tone gave merepparttar 126822 impression that he had seen much, much worse. When he returned, I asked him what he meant.

"I lost 30 years of what I had worked to build during Tropical Storm Allison three years ago," he said. "I had five feet of water in my home. Everything was destroyed."

The Bigger The Devil, The Higher Your Level

Written by John Tyler

Do you find yourself in a difficult situation today? Do you have to trust God because that'srepparttar only option you have left?

You're right where your Father does his best work.

If you are a believer,repparttar 126801 word says your steps are ordered ofrepparttar 126802 Lord (Prov. 16:9). Every life experience, every situation you find yourself in, and every valley you walk through has a divine purpose. You are stepping closer and closer to your destiny in Christ.

Your good God doesn't bring hurtful situations into your life...that's whatrepparttar 126803 enemy does. However, God loves you too much to allow you to suffer through a tough time without it benefiting you inrepparttar 126804 long run.

And we know that in all things God works forrepparttar 126805 good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose (Rom. 8:28). Don'trepparttar 126806 difficult times seem easier to face when you know God is using that period to stretch you, purify you, and develop your faith?

Doesn't each victory seem sweeter knowing that he is teaching you to win with greater grace, so he can bring you torepparttar 126807 next level of victory andrepparttar 126808 deeper walk with him that awaits you there?

I heard a great man of God once discussing difficult situations. He saidrepparttar 126809 place of victory God prepares for each us is in direct proportion torepparttar 126810 valley we have to walk through getting there. He described it aptly by saying, "The biggerrepparttar 126811 devil,repparttar 126812 higher your level."

In other words,repparttar 126813 more painful, disappointing, adverse or challenging you find your circumstances today,repparttar 126814 greater your victory when you emerge onrepparttar 126815 other side.

The greaterrepparttar 126816 battle,repparttar 126817 greaterrepparttar 126818 anointing.

The biggerrepparttar 126819 opposition,repparttar 126820 more wonderfulrepparttar 126821 promise.

Consider Joseph. This is a man God had chosen and given great dreams of his incredible future. However, those dreams of a victorious future preceded a whirlwind of disappointments and challenges that would have caused most of us to seriously doubt God's hand in our life.

His brothers sold him into slavery because of their jealousy. He was sent to prison for a crime he didn't commit.

In actuality, God was using those situations to prepare Joseph's character and faith forrepparttar 126822 immense blessing of leadership that awaited him.

David is another man of God who saw his fair share of difficulties, many of which were caused by his poor choices. However, he never letrepparttar 126823 praises of God leave his mouth. He knew each challenge just brought him closer to his Father. He knewrepparttar 126824 Lord would bring him out withrepparttar 126825 victory, every single time.

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