Think Outside the Box - 9 More Ways to Make Money Online

Written by Lisa Jay

Are you making money hand over fist with your website? If you are then you don’t need to bother reading this article because it is not for you. If you are like most of us your website sales are slow and unpredictable and you need to think of new ways to make money online without taking more time and effort. All of your time should be dedicated to producing your product, right? Well, here are just a few ways to make a little bit or a lot of money online without any effort.

1. Affiliates Sign up to become an affiliate for other businesses that are onrepparttar net. I only sign up withrepparttar 100276 companies that I honestly would recommend to anyone. All that you have to do is refer your customers to these sites. Once one of my referrals makes a purchase, I receive a small fee. With some ofrepparttar 100277 affiliate programsrepparttar 100278 fee is quite large.

2. Google Ads I was not too sure about this one but I signed up and I am now convinced. The first week that I had Google ads on my website I made $.18 andrepparttar 100279 next week I made $6.45! Wow! Big boost. If I keep this up, I just may be able to pay for my web host byrepparttar 100280 end ofrepparttar 100281 month!

3. Google Search Works close torepparttar 100282 same way asrepparttar 100283 ads. People use your search tool, make a purchase and then you are compensated.

4. Amazon Another great tool that will trickle in a few dollars here and there, all for 10 minutes of your time putting a little code into your website and Amazon doesrepparttar 100284 rest.

5. Sell Ad Space You could sell ad space if you have a site that has high traffic.

Rejuvenate & Re-Fuel Your Inner Drive

Written by Amy Ewart

I believe that as solo-entrepreneurs, business owners, and executives we all need a pat onrepparttar back. Give yourself commendation. Why? Because we haverepparttar 100275 courage to step outside ofrepparttar 100276 corporate box and start our own businesses, be our own boss and take onrepparttar 100277 challenge and responsibilities required for this adventure. In order to even contemplate that step we must have had a vision, a dream and a passion to bring it to fruition. So commend yourself.

Now, we’re in business. We’ve been working our little brains out. We are dedicated to making our dream come true. But some time has passed and we may have exhausted ourselves of ideas, that passion that once used to drive us is fading and our never ending “to do list” is overshadowing our dreams.

Do not be discouraged, we only need to refuel. Picturerepparttar 100278 never ending stair master atrepparttar 100279 gym. I know we all dread that machine, because it seems like you just keep climbing and there is no landing. But each step is a further progression. Each step brings us to a higher level. Perhaps by reading these strategies we can replenish our passion and reinvigorate our inner drive. So let’s focus on a few ideas that I have found to be helpful.

1) Narrow Your Niche I know that as a woman, mother, wife, housekeeper, and a chef, solo-entrepreneur and so on, I tend to think that I can handle it all. Maybe not with grace, but I can accomplish a lot. I am a multi-tasker. We assume that if we can do so in our personal lives,repparttar 100280 same should be true in our professional lives. No doubt, we can manage a lot. And as solo-entrepreneurs there are a lot of hats to wear. Business owners are in advertising, marketing, accounting, and so on. But when it comes torepparttar 100281 services we offer we should consider “narrowing our niche”.

We may be more proficient in a particular area of our practice. By honing in on our skills in that area, we are creating a competitive edge, an area of expertise. You can position yourself as a leader in your own industry. Opposed to fitting in with a thousand of professionals offeringrepparttar 100282 same service, we are now exposed to clientele as specializing in a certain skill. We can also appeal more specifically to a “target market”.

2) Partnerships and Alliances Wouldn’t you agree that we all need support? We need confirmation that we are heading inrepparttar 100283 right direction, a resource for assistance, or an honest opinion when we need advice. That’s why it is essential to group ourselves together with a variety of individuals who are enlisted within a similar profession. It also increases our professional appearance to clients when we can refer them to an associate of ours who specializes in a particular area of expertise. (Hencerepparttar 100284 importance of “narrowing your niche”). There are many associations and links available to aid us in our endeavors. So makerepparttar 100285 connections needed and integrate yourself with a partner or an alliance and unite together with a support system. (E.g. become more involved withrepparttar 100286 community at where you will connect with individuals who are coming together to help you present yourself withrepparttar 100287 resources you need).

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