Things to see in Los Angeles

Written by Tony Fenton

Like many large cities, Los Angeles is a collection of smaller towns, glued together with a grid of roads and freeways.

Roughly 60 miles across it is one ofrepparttar largest cities by area inrepparttar 133840 US. Crossing from side to side can take an hour, but with freeway traffic conditions you are more likely to take at least double this time.

Downtown LA is more of a commercial district of skyscraper office blocks than a shopping district. You will find shopping inrepparttar 133841 form of small shopping plazas and larger shopping malls dotted all overrepparttar 133842 LA basin.

In this respect LA is a little disappointing if you were looking for an american version of London or Paris. However there is still plenty to see and do, it just takes a little planning so that you are not spending your entire time in a traffic jam or driving endless miles across city.

Places To Visit Here are some selected places to visit whilst in LA.

Angeles Crest Highway A little out ofrepparttar 133843 city this scenic drive twists and turns much like Mulholland Drive alongrepparttar 133844 mountainous crest ofrepparttar 133845 LA basin.

Long Beach Home ofrepparttar 133846 Queen Mary which can be toured.

Aquarium ofrepparttar 133847 Pacific Whilst in Long Beachrepparttar 133848 Aquarium ofrepparttar 133849 Pacific is definitely worth a visit. From colourful corals and tropical marine fish to California Rays that come out ofrepparttar 133850 water for you to pet and stroke like small dogs! Also a new shark exhibition is worth seeing.

Dodger Stadium Whether going to a ball game or not,repparttar 133851 stadium is worth a visit. Top ofrepparttar 133852 Park souvenir shop sells LA Dodger branded clothing and other baseball souvenirs. Parking is free on non-game days.

Griffith Park A good vantage point from where you can seerepparttar 133853 cluster of skyscrapers making uprepparttar 133854 commercial downtown of LA and alsorepparttar 133855 world-famous Hollywood sign.

Barcelona Primavera Sound 2005

Written by Barcelona On Line - Ana Rodriguez

Who would tellrepparttar organizers ofrepparttar 133839 first edition ofrepparttar 133840 Primavera Sound just five years ago that this would be one ofrepparttar 133841 most prestigious music festivals of Spain and even of Europe. Consideringrepparttar 133842 fact that year after yearrepparttar 133843 festival has matured in quantity and quality it could not be otherwise.

The most important groups ofrepparttar 133844 next edition, which will take place fromrepparttar 133845 26 untilrepparttar 133846 28 of May, will giverepparttar 133847 visitors an amazing experience. The punk will have its appearance atrepparttar 133848 festival throughrepparttar 133849 presence ofrepparttar 133850 veterans Iggy Pop & Stooges, New Order and The Human steps in torepparttar 133851 festival as a reference torepparttar 133852 English tecno-pop ofrepparttar 133853 80s, Steve Early arrives with The Dukes, whilerepparttar 133854 American Sonic Youth repeatsrepparttar 133855 experience after being demanded inrepparttar 133856 2003 edition.

Not less important second level artists and national groups appear. As r representatives of our music, The Planets, Astrud, Christina Rosevinge and Nacho Vegas deserve a special attention.

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