Things You Ought To Know First Before Undergoing Liposuction Surgery

Written by Charlene J. Nuble

According torepparttar medical dictionary of Medline Plus, liposuction isrepparttar 135117 removal of excess body fat by suction with specialized surgical equipments, typically performed by a plastic surgeon.

Withrepparttar 135118 removal of excess body fat,repparttar 135119 body appearance improves and evens out distorted body parts. Breasts, buttocks, abdomen, andrepparttar 135120 face area are some ofrepparttar 135121 most popular body parts that undergo liposuction.

Foremost reason why people resort to liposuction is for cosmetic reasons. They want to eradicate "love handles", unsightly fat bulges, an abnormal chin line, etc.

Liposuction also helps improve sexual function by reducing fat deposits onrepparttar 135122 inner thighs, thus allowing easier access torepparttar 135123 vagina.

Another reason for undergoing liposuction is body shaping that cannot be achieved by diet and/or exercise.

A note of caution, liposuction is not a cure for generalized obesity.

Liposuction is not as easy as just going torepparttar 135124 doctor and telling him or her, "I want a liposuction right now." People who want to have liposuction must meet certain criteria:

1) There should be a preliminary consultation. This includes history ofrepparttar 135125 patient, a comprehensive physical examination, and a psychological health examination;

2) There should be a second consultation to give time forrepparttar 135126 patient to think overrepparttar 135127 planned liposuction surgery;

3) Ifrepparttar 135128 patient is married,repparttar 135129 spouse's presence may be required duringrepparttar 135130 consultation;

4) The patient should ask questions about liposuction, expressrepparttar 135131 reasons forrepparttar 135132 consultation, and must feel satisfied withrepparttar 135133 answers to their questions;

5) The patient must fully understandrepparttar 135134 pre-operative liposuction preparations,repparttar 135135 liposuction procedures, andrepparttar 135136 precise post-operative liposuction care to avoid lethal complications;

6) The patient must have realistic expectations. Liposuction enhancesrepparttar 135137 body appearance and boost self-confidence but it will never result to a perfect body.

Because liposuction is a medical procedure, there are risks involved. Some ofrepparttar 135138 complications that may happen upon having liposuction are:

* Fluid imbalance due torepparttar 135139 removal of a lot of liquid during liposuction and/or injection of large amounts of liquid during liposuction which can result to shock, heart problems, or kidney problems.

Improve Your Mental Cognitive Abilities

Written by Uri Breshinski

The Connection Between Brain Inflammation, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease

The evidence is overwhelming that sustained inflammation isrepparttar driving force of many degenerative diseases. Chronic inflammation is centrally implicated in heart disease, cancer and chronic viral conditioning such as Alzheimer’s.

Nowhere is damage more telling than chronic inflammation inrepparttar 135102 brain. Parkinson’s disease is inflammation burning away zones inrepparttar 135103 brain. Alzheimer’s involves many breakdown processes with inflammation atrepparttar 135104 forefront of these failed neurological processes.

What then, is an effective program to control brain inflammation? Antioxidants like Vitamin C can block free radicals that often stoke inflammation. Vitamin C and E also have had some success against dementia in clinical trials further substantiating their anti-inflammatory properties. Acetyl-L-Carnitine helpsrepparttar 135105 brain cells makerepparttar 135106 energy they need for repair and renewal while Ginkgo Biloba combined with Phospholipids will also enhance antioxidant action.

Cognizin™ Combats Mental Deterioration

Alpha GPC is a proven nutrient for individuals with mental deterioration related to poor circulation of which inflammation is a major factor. An exciting new ingredient Cognizin™ has proved to be extremely effective in combating brain deterioration. To read more onrepparttar 135107 clinical results of Cognizin™ follow this link:

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