"They Just Don't Get It!"

Written by Jo McNamara

Does this sound familiar to you? Your friend asks you, "What have you been up to?" You say, " I'm into Internet marketing." "What's that?" You then proceed to tell them how you market a product onrepparttar Internet. You tell them about headlines, ad copy, advertising and ezines. "What's an ezine?" You explain it's like a magazine they would find in a drugstore;repparttar 121555 difference is it comes in your email.

Everything is going fine for about ten minutes until you notice their eyes are starting to glaze over. There's a brief pause and they say, "Hey, do you believe this weather we're having?"

At that point, you realize that you're boring them to death because they have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

For over a year now, I've poured my heart and soul into Internet marketing. I have devoted myself passionately to life withinrepparttar 121556 computer.

I went from someone who had to ask my husband how to turn onrepparttar 121557 computer to someone who can now copy and paste withrepparttar 121558 best of them (okay…I'm a slow learner). I trashed one computer in eight months and I'm proud to say it will take me MUCH longer to trash my current one.

I'm completely self-taught in online promotion and I'm proud of what I've accomplished. I'm not a Net marketing "guru" and I never will be one. But I'm not a "newbie" either.

It's only natural for me to want to share my passion with friends and loved ones. But I slowly came to realize that I'm speaking a foreign language to them when I describerepparttar 121559 inner workings of online marketing. I have yet to meet someone inrepparttar 121560 "real world" who knows what an ezine is.

My husband will tentatively ask me how my day was. When I launch into advertising with autoresponders, viral marketing, I can see his shoulders start to slump and this look of resignation comes across his face. It says, "Oh, %#@*& ! I just had to ask!"

Side-Step The Big Business Branding Techniques That'll

Written by Corey Rudl

Fromrepparttar e-mail I've been receiving lately, it's clear there is a lot of confusion surroundingrepparttar 121554 topic of online branding.

Nike, Coke-Cola, Budweiser, McDonalds, Levi's, Amazon.com... these arerepparttar 121555 branding masters. Nowrepparttar 121556 question is, HOW CAN YOU MODEL THEIR SUCCESS?

These days, online branding is being preached as one ofrepparttar 121557 big "Do or Die" marketing strategies. So everyone wants to brand their e-business -- but no one is exactly sure what branding is, how it's done, or where to start.

What is branding, anyway?

Branding is about building a COMPELLING ASSOCIATION between...

A) Your company, your logo, your products, etc.


B) An image, an emotion, or a memorable message that embodies -- implicitly or explicitly --repparttar 121558 BIGGEST BENEFIT you have to offer your customers.

Effective branding createsrepparttar 121559 kind of FIERCE PRODUCT LOYALTY that leaves customers indifferent torepparttar 121560 marketing tactics ofrepparttar 121561 competition.

It's what compels you to walk past all of those no-name- brand on-sale colas atrepparttar 121562 local grocery store and pick up repparttar 121563 6-pack of Coca-Cola that costs three times more. It's what makes children plead and beg to go back to McDonalds again and again. And it's what has maderepparttar 121564 phrase "Just Do It" synonymous with Nike.

Say "Amazon.com," and people think of "The Earth's Biggest Bookstore." Go to Burger King because you can "Have It Your Way." Buy Energizer batteries because they "Just keep going, and going, and going." And "When you care enough to sendrepparttar 121565 very best," send a Hallmark card.

Butrepparttar 121566 slogans and taglines are only part of it. Think of repparttar 121567 Hallmark commercials. These tearjerker mini-dramas are built around love and family values, ending with someone showing they "care enough" by giving a loved-one a Hallmark card. THEY EVOKE STRONG EMOTIONS THAT DRIVE THEIR SLOGAN HOME.

And think aboutrepparttar 121568 Nike logo --repparttar 121569 "Swoosh" that representsrepparttar 121570 wing ofrepparttar 121571 Greek goddess Nike,repparttar 121572 personification of victory. While it's probably safe to say thatrepparttar 121573 majority of people are unaware of its mythological significance, THEIR LOGO HOLDS JUST AS MUCH MEANING AS THEIR NAME.

It's all very impressive, right? Well... yes. But before you jump onrepparttar 121574 bandwagon, let's take a realistic look at repparttar 121575 "big branding picture" to see where your small or home- based e-business fits into this.

First, let's debunkrepparttar 121576 THREE MAJOR BRANDING MYTHS I frequently encounter...

MYTH #1: I need to make my company or product a household name.

TRUTH: You'll be most successful and most profitable if you CLOSELY TARGET YOUR MARKET! Focus on getting your business name and your advertising in front of your best potential customers --repparttar 121577 people who have an expressed interest in what you're offering -- as opposed to everyone!

MYTH #2: Branding my business online means buying thousands of dollars worth of high-visibility banner impressions.

TRUTH: Banner advertising just isn't as profitable as it once was. Ads that once pulled 5% to 10% click-throughs are now lucky to pull 0.6% to 0.8%, if even that.

You'll be far more successful if you focus your limited advertising dollars on more performance-based advertising. Pay for customers... not overpriced, unproven advertising.

MYTH #3: I'll need to spend a lot of money if I want to gain brand recognition.

TRUTH: There are plenty of free and low-cost techniques that you can use to brand your e-business.

If you're a small or home-based business then, chances are, you don't haverepparttar 121578 millions of advertising dollars it takes to build a nationally recognized brand and make your company a household name -- at least not yet!

So let's SKIP THE HIGH-PRICED LARGE CORPORATE BRANDING TECHNIQUES that I'm seeing pushed everywhere I look...

-- after all, these strategies simply don't translate to e-businesses with limited advertising budgets --

... and instead, let me give you some practical information.



Imagine yourself sitting acrossrepparttar 121579 table from your best potential customer. In one sentence -- one very short sentence -- clearly communicate how he or she will benefit from doing business with you.

Your message should be clear,repparttar 121580 language simple, and it should be easy to remember. There's no room for wordy corporate mumbo jumbo here.

I know this is a pretty tall order... but your hours of agonizing, writing, brainstorming, and rewriting will pay off inrepparttar 121581 end. This will berepparttar 121582 message that your market will identify you by and associate you with.


The beauty of running an online business is that you can reach literally hundreds of thousands of targeted potential customers all overrepparttar 121583 world -- people who want to buy what you're selling -- for little or no cost.

It's what has made it possible for small and home-based business owners like you to takerepparttar 121584 Internet by storm and MAKE OUTRAGEOUS PROFITS WITH VERY LIMITED ADVERTISING BUDGETS.

Why would you turn a blind eye to this CRITICAL ADVANTAGE by spreading your limited advertising dollars acrossrepparttar 121585 entire web -- trying to sell your product to everyone -- instead of focusing on those people who want to buy from you?

It just doesn't make sense.

So I know I've already mentioned this, but it's worth saying again. It's ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL that you target your market.

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