There’s Gotta Be An Easier Way

Written by Staci Stallings

Have you ever had a dream that was so close you could nearly reach out and touch it? And yet every time you put your hand out, it turns out to be a mirage. You work and work. You put your all into makingrepparttar dream come to fruition, but when you get torepparttar 122862 place where you think you want to be, all you find is more work to do.

I see it withrepparttar 122863 two college students who work for me and are always hanging out at my house. It seems like they work and work, and yet graduation feels no closer. I see it in my carpenter husband. He stresses out when a job is finishing up because “what are we going to do next?” But he also stresses out whenrepparttar 122864 job is going because “how are we going to get this all done?”

Now I see it in my own life. I set up meetings to talk with people about my books. The meetings always go well—some even go really well. But then,repparttar 122865 sales don’t come through like I thought they would (read: hoped they would). It’s not that God’s not on my side. I know for a fact He is because I’ve seen His hand at work in too many areas of my life to doubt it. Yet I’m still left wondering, why does it have to be this hard?

In thinking about this phenomenon, I suddenly realized that this very feeling is encapsulated inrepparttar 122866 scene at Gethsemane. Christ is kneeling, praying, and He says, “Father, if it’s possible, let this cup pass Me by…” What He’s really saying is, “God, listen, please, there’s got to be an easier way.” He knows what is coming. He knows torepparttar 122867 bottom of His soul this is not going to be fun. In fact, I think He’s not even totally sure He can pull it off.

Ready for Success?

Written by Ulla Sebastian

The following article is offered for free use in your ezine, print publication or on your web site, so long asrepparttar author resource box atrepparttar 122861 end is included. Notification of publication would be appreciated. Author: Dr. Ulla Sebastian E-mail: Copyright: © 2004 by Ulla Sebastian Web Address: Word Count: 794 Category: Motivational Selfmanagement

It is not by accident who resides onrepparttar 122862 sunny side and who onrepparttar 122863 shadow side ofrepparttar 122864 street. You findrepparttar 122865 key to success in what you think all day.

If your thoughts focus on abundance, love and integrity in your actions, this inner state manifests as success inrepparttar 122866 outer world. If you feel bogged down with worries, failures or fear ofrepparttar 122867 future, you draw misfortune and failure towards you.

Transactional analysis tells us that winner or failure scripts are a combination of imprints, conditions and learned behaviour. The good news is: They are not a destiny but you can change them. Thanks to Abraham Maslow and other pioneers inrepparttar 122868 field of transpersonal and quantum psychology we got some good ideas of what distinguishes successful people from those who feel like beingrepparttar 122869 victims ofrepparttar 122870 circumstances.

Successful people influence and shape reality according to their own needs instead of lettingrepparttar 122871 'facts' of life determine their fate.

Successful people are creators, not victims ofrepparttar 122872 circumstances. Their attitudes, thoughts and actions are open forrepparttar 122873 New and flexible enough to respond torepparttar 122874 unexpected.

Successful people do not have problems but challenges that need to be resolved. Those challenges activate and inspire all their talents and resources whilerepparttar 122875 concept of problems leads to worrying and being bogged down byrepparttar 122876 forces of life.

In order to access and use your full potential you need physical and inner strength. Many people know what is good for them but they do not haverepparttar 122877 self-discipline to let go of bad habits and to establish good habits.

Successful people work a lot, not out of duty or greed but because they feel inspired by their own vision and mission in life.

Successful people distinguish themselves in central aspects from those with a failure script. They take 100% responsibility for their lives, focus their attention onrepparttar 122878 positive, let go of what does not serve them any longer and invite others to participate in their success. They know that it isrepparttar 122879 power and purity of their thoughts, values and attitudes that create their personal individual success, abundance and joy.

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