The world of crunches: Defining your abdominals

Written by The Icon Diet Reader

By: The Icon Diet Reader

So there I was, a gangly, ungainly guy standing in a giant aerobics studio surrounded by mirrors. Next to me onrepparttar floor was a fitness ball. I had never used a fitness ball, in fact I had never even heard of a fitness ball. Nonerepparttar 112906 less, there I was. My work out partner, in far better shape then I, was going to show me how to userepparttar 112907 ball to make my ab routine more excruciatingly effective.

The whole premise of this heightened routine was to center aroundrepparttar 112908 crunch. For those of you who don't know what a crunch is, a crunch is like doing a sit up without actually sitting up. In fact,repparttar 112909 whole motion of a crunch is to keep your abs constantly flexed. I had always thought that crunches were like doing push ups on you knees – a bit of a cop out. I was wrong.

The thing about your abs is that unlike other muscle groups they can take a lot. When you work your abs, it takes a lot to get them going. What is really different about abs is that they bulge in their relaxed state and are stretched thin when flexed. Think about your leg muscles for a second. Your quads bulge when you flex them. Abs arerepparttar 112910 other way around.

Getting myself on torepparttar 112911 fitness ball was an exercise in patients. Having never used one before, it was awkward and it felt really odd. This is due in part to my rather uncoordinated nature, and yes I am a horrible dancer. What really made it difficult for me to position myself correctly onrepparttar 112912 ball wasrepparttar 112913 factrepparttar 112914 I was laughing hysterically. Being inrepparttar 112915 aerobics studio surrounded by mirrors, gave me multiple angles from which to watch my floundering.

Abs are largely responsible for holding you up. They are part of what is known as your core. Your core is what keeps you stable when standing, allows your body to twist atrepparttar 112916 waist, rise after bending over, and remain, well, upright. While there are other muscle groups involved with your core, abs have a special place inrepparttar 112917 eyes ofrepparttar 112918 world. Defined abs are a sought after symbol of good health and fine physique.

Relax Your Way To Weight Loss and Good Health

Written by Thom King

I want to talk aboutrepparttar effect that stress and sleep deprivation may have on your weight. I spentrepparttar 112905 last six years of my life in Los Angeles partaking inrepparttar 112906 “Rat Race”. Two things I discovered: only rats winrepparttar 112907 rat race and stress can play havoc on you emotionally, spiritually and physically. This stress can lead to weight gain and what is worse if you are trying to lose weight while you are stressed out or fatigued you will not gain any ground.

The reason is a little stress chemical called Cortisol. Cortisol aidsrepparttar 112908 body in recovering fromrepparttar 112909 effects of stressful experiences. Cortisol instructsrepparttar 112910 liver to release sugar intorepparttar 112911 blood and triggersrepparttar 112912 body to release storehouses of fat and muscle sorepparttar 112913 body can use it for energy. There is another piece torepparttar 112914 cortisol puzzle and that is is also slows everything down sorepparttar 112915 body can replenish energy stores.

We all have cortisol circulating inrepparttar 112916 blood at all times. But after stressful situations our cortisol levels increase dramatically. So let’s say for instance you are experiencing a constant stream of stressful situations. After enough of these episodes,repparttar 112917 body adjusts its control mechanism inrepparttar 112918 pituitary gland to maintain a higher constant amount of cortisol inrepparttar 112919 body. Continually elevated levels of cortisol can have long-term health effects including but not limited to weight gain, heart disease, ulcers, insulin resistance, and hypertension. While cortisol may have served us well while we were a bunch of knuckle dragging Neanderthals fighting for our lives, 21st century living forrepparttar 112920 most part has kept us from facing daily life threatening situations. Unfortunately for most of us we have replaced those threats ofrepparttar 112921 past with screaming bosses, unruly children and unreasonable partners all which can cause elevated levels of cortisol to be delivered into our bodies.

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