The weaker sex can pack a mean punch in business!

Written by Marsha Maung

Judging fromrepparttar title itself, you’re probably expecting a men-bashing article aboutrepparttar 103396 kind of injustice that men cause women and about how women should learn how to hold their can of pepper spray in hand (facingrepparttar 103397 right direction, of course, unlessrepparttar 103398 women plan to blind themselves)repparttar 103399 moment they catch a whiff of a MAN.

Well….er, no. Not really.

I am here to explain and give some good examples of why and how women can do what they want to do in business and reap full benefits ofrepparttar 103400 structure that they have chosen to adopt. I want to encourage them and tell them that women can make good business owners.

Women in business are better in dealing with people, i.e, business will be better simply because ofrepparttar 103401 fact that women have higher levels of emotional intelligence (EI or EQ). What does emotional intelligence have to do with business? A whole lot, if you ask me. Let’s, first, define emotional intelligence inrepparttar 103402 business context, shall we? EQ is defined quite loosely as ‘social skills and ambition or self/personal strength’. If a person have high EQ, he or she (staying safely onrepparttar 103403 fence for now, until conclusion) is better able to deal with problems at work, better at finding solutions, is better able at controlling emotions and regaining strength after a down fall. They can communicate better with others, winning them brownie points easily, in terms of bringing inrepparttar 103404 business.

It seems that a person with high EQ (man or woman) is 67% more likely to be successful in business. And consideringrepparttar 103405 fact that women, generally speaking, have higher EQs, we can safely say that they are better as business people.

In order to be successful in business, you need 1/3 of IQ, 1/3 of social skills and 1/3 of drive and ambition.

And here’s another reason why I think women are better business people. According torepparttar 103406 Millionaire Mind, ‘being honest with people’ and ‘getting along with people’ is ranked #1 and #3 asrepparttar 103407 needed ingredients for becoming a millionaire. And isn’t it a coincidence that women have both these skills as naturally as they come.

"What Is Executive Presence?"

Written by Roberta Prescott

"What Is Executive Presence?" by Roberta Prescott Often our clients refer someone to us for Executive Coaching with a glowing description such as "This is one of our most valued and brilliant employees …. But …. he or she needs "Executive Presence", or as one client said "He's so low-key he's invisible. Give him "Executive Swagger".

Yet when asked to explain what they mean, their responses remind me ofrepparttar Supreme Court's comments on pornography - - that it's difficult to define, but you'll know it when you see it.

From our successful interviews and coaching of hundreds of executives, here are some common traits of those who do project Executive Presence: They radiate confidence, poise and authority; they know how to connect with others; and, most important, they build on their own strengths and are genuine.

Following is a 5-point plan to help you build on YOUR strengths so that you project an impression of Executive Presence that matches your abilities:

1. Use your body language and visual image to convey confidence ·Stand and walk tall ·Use steady eye contact, not eye-darting ·Give a crisp handshake, not a dead fish ·Lean forward and be engaged in meetings. Don't fidget or play with your palm pilot

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