The very real "great satan"---

Written by James Sorrell

For years ignorance & emotion has cloudedrepparttar issue when Arabs, or anyone else, point to some country or people and call them "the great satan"! (As Iraq cleric al-Sadr has done.) When will people learn that Satan, himself, ISrepparttar 126650 'great satan'? [The very real, fallen angel Lucifer, who incites and murdersrepparttar 126651 human race daily.] Withrepparttar 126652 fallen angel's negative, manipulative influence

Dealing With Disappointment

Written by Daniel N. Brown

Have you experienced any disappointments lately?

What a dumb question, huh? Life is full of disappointments. But, it’s not so much what happens to us, but how we handle it. When you receive dashed expectations, it will be at that moment when you decide how to react.

When things don’t prosper or succeed according to our plan,repparttar first thing we feel is disappointment. This is normal. There is nothing wrong with feeling disappointed. But, we must know what to do with that feeling, or it will move into something more serious.

The devil would like for nothing more than for you to lie inrepparttar 126649 pit of disappointment for as long as possible. This way he can causerepparttar 126650 seed of discouragement to grow. From there, he will plant seeds of depression, and so on.

Here arerepparttar 126651 progressive evil D’s in order:

1. Disappointment 2. Discouragement 3. Depression 4. Despondency 5. Despair

Disappointment, if left undelt with, will inevitably lead to discouragement, then to depression, then to despondency, and then on to despair. It’s in despair where people have lost all hope and could eventually commit suicide.

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