The tale of a king and his wealth

Written by Arun Pal Singh

Copyright © 2005 Arun Pal Singh

Once lived a great king who was getting old and wanted to retire. One day he announced that all his personal wealth would be distributed torepparttar public. However one would have to earn his share asrepparttar 100281 king did not wantrepparttar 100282 wealth to go to unworthy.

His wealth would be inrepparttar 100283 seven stories of his palace. One might take whatever one wished, he announced. The word spread fast and people gathered. No one wanted to miss this opportunity of getting rich. The entrance was opened and people eagerly rushed in. Presented to them were common items of pottery, glass and earth. They checked every place. Nothing else was there. People got disappointed. This was not what they had expected. Many left cursing.

Others decided to try second floor. As they moved there they found things which were costlier but nothing which could be called wealth. Many left again. It was wastage of time after all. The king either had gone mad or played a bad joke

Rest of them pushed themselves torepparttar 100284 next level through a passage that was narrower and steeper. Here displayed were some coins of lesser value. Discouraged quite a number left again. I was clear now thatrepparttar 100285 king had really played a joke. There was no wealth to be found.

Few who were encouraged enough resolved to go to further. They had to walk a path harder than previous. Those who could not tread returned. Only a handful reached fourth storey and were rewarded with silver coins.

Joyfully many stuffed and left. Thank God! The day was not wasted on some misadventure. They had come from far. They were tired now. They did not want to go further. They had work at their homes too.

However, ten people decided to go ahead. It was a very difficult journey. The was almost vertical and very rough. Only four could reach next level. Others left, not being able to continue. Those who reached found gold coins in abundance. Two decided to end here and left with gold happily.

Fallacies Regarding Online Home Based Businesses

Written by Kirk Bannerman

Inrepparttar course of my home business coaching activities, I have often found that people head intorepparttar 100280 startup of their online home based businesses with a wildly unrealistic mindset.

Many have been told that they can sign up for a few programs, build a website around them, add a bunch of banners and links onto their site, then sit back and watchrepparttar 100281 money roll in and never have to work again.

There is a misconception that you can come online and set up an Internet based business and be making big money within a few days. This is absolute hogwash and it has not been my experience norrepparttar 100282 experience of anyone I have come in contact with through my online business activities.

The harsh reality is that there are more people who fail at their home businesses than there are people who actually succeed.

Newcomers torepparttar 100283 world of online home based business are not usually aware that they may actually have to work harder at their home businesses than they did at their traditional jobs. They are typically not aware ofrepparttar 100284 many hours of marketing time that they will need to put in to be successful.

Many people that are new to online marketing also makerepparttar 100285 mistake of thinking that a single marketing strategy will suffice. Naturally, some avenues will produce better results than others, but I have foundrepparttar 100286 best course of action is to adopt a broad based approach to your online marketing by spreading your time and resources over several different methods.

If you are new to Internet marketing, you might be well advised to take a course to find out what is required of you to be successful in an online business. It does not matter what type of business you are starting, if it is online, it must be marketed online, and possibly offline as well.

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