The rising popularity of windsurfing

Written by Jakob Jelling

As with any extreme sport or sport in general, there is only so much one can do on a surfboard. Enter windsurfing, a popular way to gain speed and air by using a sail attached torepparttar surfboard itself. A windsurf setup consists of a bi-directional surfboard with a sail attached inrepparttar 133196 middle. Windsurfing is not for justrepparttar 133197 ocean, this sport can be done on a lake should their be a proper wind to propelrepparttar 133198 surfer.

As with any sport there has to be two factors present when learning how to windsurf. Wind isrepparttar 133199 key ingredient to take flight. In order to power up your sail you need to know whatrepparttar 133200 wind conditions are going to be. On an optimal day, depending onrepparttar 133201 wind conditionsrepparttar 133202 wind can be gusting from 3N to 6N. The wind speed greatly enhancesrepparttar 133203 experience.

There are conditions above 15N when windsurfing can be considered dangerous torepparttar 133204 surfer. Should these conditions be too violent forrepparttar 133205 surfer, they should wait until they can properly handlerepparttar 133206 board. Withrepparttar 133207 right amount of wind and waves, windsurfers can take flight over waves at a high rate of speed. Depending on your experience level, you may crave to hitrepparttar 133208 waves at higher conditions to maximize speed and adrenaline.

The art of surfing

Written by Jakob Jelling

Since its hey day inrepparttar 1960’s, surfing throughrepparttar 133195 ocean has become a popular past time. Riders love to poundrepparttar 133196 surf with their waxed boards and ride large waves intorepparttar 133197 shore. As like any sport, there is risk associated with surfing. Surfing implies that a rider can successfully use their arms and legs to maintain balance upon a surfboard asrepparttar 133198 wave begins to swell and crest.

Most beginners will enjoy this sport becauserepparttar 133199 cost of getting into surfing is relatively low. A good board can cost $200 - $ 1,000 depending onrepparttar 133200 material it’s made from. Many beginners can buy a good board used and can take uprepparttar 133201 sport at a nearby beach. Before you begin, there are several things you should learn.

- How to keep your board nearby should you wipe out - How to swim out towards an incoming wave - What to do should you collide with another surfer - What conditions are right for surfing and which ones are dangerous

Surfers should know how to swim. It’srepparttar 133202 basic necessity to keep you afloat should you go out too far or if you lose your board on a wipe out. Most surfers start out on their boards flat on their stomach and begin to kneel into a crouching position as they approach a wave. Upon reachingrepparttar 133203 swell ofrepparttar 133204 wave, they should be in a upright position heading intorepparttar 133205 ebb or top ofrepparttar 133206 wave. As soon asrepparttar 133207 reachrepparttar 133208 top they begin to navigate throughrepparttar 133209 remainder ofrepparttar 133210 wave using their feet to steer intorepparttar 133211 cresting tide. Usually most surfers ride a wave from right to left.

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