The put-across roll

Written by Jakob Jelling

A good kayak roll to teach beginners isrepparttar put-across roll.

One ofrepparttar 132955 biggest fears that most people have of kayaking isrepparttar 132956 worry that their kayak could capsize, and they would be trapped inside of it. Another fear is that there is no way to right an over turned kayak by yourself - however, this is not actuallyrepparttar 132957 case. People who are worried about their kayaks capsizing should learn how to do one ofrepparttar 132958 various rolls which will help right an overturned kayak. The put-across roll is one of these methods.

The first move that you should learn before you even begin to learn any ofrepparttar 132959 actual rolling techniques isrepparttar 132960 hip flick. There are a lot of ways to learnrepparttar 132961 hip flick, butrepparttar 132962 most effective method involves working on it in a pool at first. After you learn how to do this move in a pool, then you should move to an area whererepparttar 132963 water will be a little bit rougher. That way, you can learn how to do these techniques in situations that are similar torepparttar 132964 real situation you will face if you ever do capsize while you're on a kayak tour.

Facts and Fallacies of Strength Training for Golf

Written by Troy M Anderson

Various aspects of golf training have expanded rapidly, but one area of development that has caught on somewhat slowly is golf-specific strength training. Not until very recently has this specific need been addressed. As with many things, it started atrepparttar top with pros like Tiger Woods and David Duval and began to trickle down torepparttar 132954 masses over time. Unfortunately, many golfers still live underrepparttar 132955 old assumption that strength training is detrimental. The truth is thatrepparttar 132956 days of simply practicing and playing to make yourself a stronger and better golfer are from a bygone era. I am not trying to diminishrepparttar 132957 fact that ultimately golf skills arerepparttar 132958 most important aspect of golf, but improving your swing performance will only get you so far. If you want to develop intorepparttar 132959 best player you can be, you better get withrepparttar 132960 program—a strength training program, that is.

Let’s take a look at a few ofrepparttar 132961 fallacies that may be holding some of you back.

Fallacy #1: Resistance training will cause a loss of flexibility.

Fact: It is a proven fact that full range of motion resistance training will actually improve your flexibility.

Fallacy #2: Resistance training will result in “bulking up”.

Fact: Performing resistance training by itself will not causerepparttar 132962 development of excess muscle mass; additional caloric intake is also required. Some individuals are underrepparttar 132963 impression that lifting heavier weights for fewer repetitions will cause this “bulking-up” phenomenon. This is also false. As a matter of fact, lifting heavier weights for fewer repetition is one way to gain strength without adding “bulk”. Therefore, if you are involved in a program designed to develop stability, strength, and power specific torepparttar 132964 needs of golf, you have absolutely nothing to worry about.

Fallacy #3: Resistance training will have adverse effects on your swing.

Fact: Performing resistance training can actually have a positive effect on your swing. Resistance training helps develop what is known as kinesthetic awareness,repparttar 132965 ability to detect bodily position, weight, and movement ofrepparttar 132966 muscles, tendons, and joints.

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