The pleasure of smelling the roses.

Written by Hannah Chartwell

The pleasure of smellingrepparttar roses.

Withrepparttar 115601 amount of money spent by governments on anti smoking campaigns,repparttar 115602 various controversies over cigarette advertising andrepparttar 115603 number of places where smoking is no longer permitted, ever cigarette smoker inrepparttar 115604 western world must be aware that it is a habit that at least damages their health and at worst will kill them.

And yet, depending on whose figures you take asrepparttar 115605 best estimate, it seems between 15 and 20% ofrepparttar 115606 population still smoke cigarettes.

Even though I gave up my 30 plus a day habit nearly 20 years ago, I can still remember that ‘tight’ feeling across my chest inrepparttar 115607 mornings andrepparttar 115608 need for a throat clearing cough after I had brushed my teeth.

I also never realised then that food had so much variety of taste and flavour or that actually being able to smellrepparttar 115609 roses was such a pleasure.

I guess there is little or no chance of my lone voice having any effect when I tell people they really should stop smoking, as they continue to ignorerepparttar 115610 severe warning metered out byrepparttar 115611 great andrepparttar 115612 good.

There has been a great many views expressed onrepparttar 115613 benefits or other wise of smoking so called low tar cigarettes and investigation intorepparttar 115614 subject does indicate that along withrepparttar 115615 habit forming nicotine and hundreds of other chemicals inhaled inrepparttar 115616 cigarette smoke, none of which do you any good, it isrepparttar 115617 sticky tar that leads to repertory difficulties and depressed sense of taste and smell.

Create a Quality-Minded Dental Practice

Written by Laura Peters

You are a CEO – Create a quality-minded practice

Whether your annual cash receipts exceedrepparttar million-dollar mark or you are at a more modest level,repparttar 115600 fact remainsrepparttar 115601 same - you are running a business. You arerepparttar 115602 leader and it is your responsibility to set quality standards.

The pro-Socratic philosopher Heraclitus said that one can never step inrepparttar 115603 same river twice. He meant thatrepparttar 115604 world is a place of constant change; so, too, is your dental practice. By having an established set of quality standards that act as an anchor, your business can move ahead whenrepparttar 115605 waters are smooth and ride it out duringrepparttar 115606 storms that periodically blow through every practice.

There are eight essentials that really ought to be in place for a practice to qualify as truly quality-minded:

·A deep understanding ofrepparttar 115607 patients so that their wants can be translated into service. ·A plan to keep improving all operations continuously.

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