The next Shiraz, varietal wines for Australia

Written by Darby Higgs

Shiraz isrepparttar dominant red winegrape variety in Australia. It isrepparttar 141941 key component of Grange,repparttar 141942 flagship Australian wine label. Atrepparttar 141943 other end ofrepparttar 141944 scale it makes uprepparttar 141945 bulk ofrepparttar 141946 cheap and cheerful red wines inrepparttar 141947 everyday bottled brands such as Jacobs Creek, Oxford Landing and yellowtail.

But Shiraz has not always held such a hold overrepparttar 141948 market. Untilrepparttar 141949 mid nineties Cabernet Sauvignon was regarded asrepparttar 141950 superior variety and this was reflected inrepparttar 141951 prices paid atrepparttar 141952 cellar door. Butrepparttar 141953 demand for exports has been mainly for Australian Shiraz and Cabernet has lost ground inrepparttar 141954 battle for consumer preference in Australia as well.

Shiraz's reign atrepparttar 141955 top ofrepparttar 141956 tree really started inrepparttar 141957 middle ofrepparttar 141958 1950s when it replaced Grenache asrepparttar 141959 most popular red winegrape variety. In those days a much larger proportion ofrepparttar 141960 wine market was devoted to fortified wine, what we used to call Port.

Looking intorepparttar 141961 futurerepparttar 141962 role of Shiraz seems unassailable, but there are a few challengers onrepparttar 141963 horizon. The wine consumer is a fickle creature and fashions can change fairly quickly.

Merlot isrepparttar 141964 third most popular red winegrape variety in Australia. Much ofrepparttar 141965 production goes into blends with Cabernet Sauvignon, reflecting its major role in Bordeaux. There are quite a few varietal merlots also produced. There are two reasons for thinking that Merlot won't displace Shiraz as our major tipple. Firstly there are viticultural problems relating to poor clones and it performs poorly in cooler regions. Secondly atrepparttar 141966 consumer endrepparttar 141967 wine often lacks a distinctive varietal character. There seems to be no consensus among winemakers about what a good merlot should be like. Meanwhile consumers think of Merlot as meaning mellow. It is hard to find any passion, for or against, this variety.

Another contender is Grenache. This variety is widely planted in South Australia, particularly inrepparttar 141968 Barossa and McLaren Vale regions. Inrepparttar 141969 1980s it was subject to government sponsored vine pull schemes inrepparttar 141970 belief that its days were over. Its star is onrepparttar 141971 rise again both as a varietal and asrepparttar 141972 key to blends with Shiraz and Morvedre. Notwithstanding this recent return to favour, Grenache will not seriously challenge Shiraz because of its need for a relatively warm climate.

Sangiovese is a variety with a large and growing fan club. There are now over a hundred winemakers using this variety. One factor which has heldrepparttar 141973 variety back inrepparttar 141974 past has been clonal variation, this has been overcome by careful selection by vine nurseries. Overrepparttar 141975 past few years a significant number of producers have been able to show just whatrepparttar 141976 variety is capable of. The wines show plum and cherry flavours and to my mind these flavours as well asrepparttar 141977 Italian wine textures will mean thatrepparttar 141978 bandwagon for this variety will keep rolling for quite a while. The number of winemakers and consumers in Australia with an Italian background continues to provide plenty of champions forrepparttar 141979 variety.

Gallstones and Coffee! Who Would Have Thought?

Written by Randy Wilson

Many gallstones studies overrepparttar last twenty years have hinted at a relationship between consuming caffeinated coffee and a reduced risk of these issues, including cirrhosis ofrepparttar 141902 liver, colorectal cancer, and gastrointestinal health.

The Norwegian Institute of Public Health in Oslo, Norway, recently did a study ofrepparttar 141903 correlation between coffee consumption and gallstones health; specifically, they evaluatedrepparttar 141904 mortality rate from cirrhosis ofrepparttar 141905 liver.

Whenrepparttar 141906 researchers looked at those who died from alcoholic cirrhosis ofrepparttar 141907 liver, there was no benefit to drinking coffee. However, for those who suffered from cirrhosis ofrepparttar 141908 liver not related to alcohol, drinking coffee reducedrepparttar 141909 effects ofrepparttar 141910 liver cirrhosis.

Whenrepparttar 141911 Department of Medicine atrepparttar 141912 Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program (Northern California Region) in Oakland, California, did their study, they recognized that most heavy drinkers do not develop alcoholic cirrhosis ofrepparttar 141913 liver and other gastrointestinal disorders.

The researchers found that those patients who drank four or more cups of coffee per day had one-fifthrepparttar 141914 risk of cirrhosis ofrepparttar 141915 liver as non-coffee and tea drinkers.

This relationship remained constant even when weighed against other risk factors such as other gastrointestinal health issues. The Department of Community Health Sciences atrepparttar 141916 University of Calgary in Canada examinedrepparttar 141917 relationship of coffee consumption with various gastrointestinal cancers, including bladder, colon, and rectal.

The study was unable to find any correlation between coffee or tea consumption and bladder or rectal cancer. However,repparttar 141918 study again found that drinking five or more cups of coffee daily significantly reducedrepparttar 141919 risk of colon cancer.

This was especially pronounced with cancer ofrepparttar 141920 proximal colon rather thanrepparttar 141921 distal colon. The Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri in Milan, Italy, choose to look at a different gastrointestinal health issue, colorectal cancer.

They reviewed twenty-five studies published between 1990 and 2003 to try to determine any sort of statistical relationship between drinking coffees or tea and colorectal cancer. The analysis concluded that there was no benefit to drinking either decaffeinated coffees or any kind of tea.

However, drinking caffeinated coffees repeatedly was shown to reducerepparttar 141922 risk of colorectal cancer, regardless of any demographic biases.

This same facility also looked atrepparttar 141923 relationship between coffee consumption and cancers ofrepparttar 141924 bladder, pancreas, colon, and rectum in a separate epidemiological study.

They found that, despiterepparttar 141925 highly publicized accounts torepparttar 141926 contrary,repparttar 141927 higher risk of bladder cancer for coffee drinkers is negligible and a relationship could not be found with either amount of coffees consumed or length of time over which it was consumed.

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