The market for home loans has never been this hot

Written by Tony Forster

The market for home loans has never been this hot

Where before, about a decade ago, owning your dream house seemed like a daunting task, today, however, it's as easy as pie. More and more people are now getting home loans in order to buy houses. However, along with this rise in home loan demand,repparttar supply has also steadily increased. With more and more banks and other financial institutions falling over each other to lure customers, it has become very difficult to work out who is offeringrepparttar 111829 best deal.

Here is a look at some tips on how to getrepparttar 111830 best deal for you to acquire your dream home.

What arerepparttar 111831 eligibility criteria for getting a home loan?

The two basic factors that need consideration when it comes to home loans arerepparttar 111832 amount of loan repayment you can afford to make per month and a specified percentage ofrepparttar 111833 cost of property. These two factors are whererepparttar 111834 home loan disbursement is based on.

Your income plays a big role in assessing your ability to repay, and likewise with your expenditure pattern. For instance, if your monthly income is $10,000 and your monthly expenses $8,000, then that means that you can afford to pay $2,000 towards any home

Debt Management

Written by Tony Forster

Debt management. To be sure,repparttar phrase has been in use for some time now andrepparttar 111828 Federal Trade Commission reports that there is a fast growing area of complaint involvingrepparttar 111829 so-called Credit Management or Debt Management industry. But what is debt management anyway? And why do people consider it as either potentially lucrative or downright hazardous path to follow?


The term debt management is actually an umbrella for a large group of debt-environment functions and activities. Debt management involves one or all ofrepparttar 111830 following: debt reduction, consolidation, negotiation, settlement, bankruptcy, credit repair clinics, and even deciphering credit reports. To have some inkling as to what debt management really is, let's first define these few terms:

  • Credit Repair Clinics - These are services offered by institutions that are said to help you fix your credit. Nolo Press and other notable consumer groups for debt management issues strongly advise against credit repair clinics. They say that a lot of these clinics are illegal. Some of their actions include stealingrepparttar 111831 credit files of folks underrepparttar 111832 age of 18 orrepparttar 111833 credit files of those who have died or live in far away places. Some have also been said to break into credit bureaus and change files. Still, others suggest you to start a new IRS Employer Identification Number (EIN) which is illegal and prevents you from earning Social Security benefits. Butrepparttar 111834 bottom line of

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