The inflammation-fighting effects of omega-3 fatty acids

Written by Ruth Bird

I came across this information while researching Omega 3. "News release, American College of Cardiology" The inflammation-fighting effects of omega-3 fatty acids may berepparttar key behind fish’s heart-healthy benefits, according to a new study.

Dr. Barry Sears has been writing about this very topic for years.

Researchers found inflammation markers, such as C-reactive protein and others, were up to a third lower in people who ate at least 10 ounces of fish per week compared with those didn’t eat fish. The more fishrepparttar 148584 people ate, especially fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, mackerel, and tuna,repparttar 148585 lower their level of markers of inflammation inrepparttar 148586 bloodstream. Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of unsaturated fat that has been shown to reducerepparttar 148587 rates of heart disease and death from heart disease. The mechanism behind this action is unknown but studies show that they reduce inflammation. Dr. Barry Sears has written much on this subject. You can find Dr. Barry Sears' Books in your bookstores, or inrepparttar 148588 libraries. Also check Amazon Dr. Barry Sears. Check out this webpage, Inflammation & Its Relationship to Chronic Disease by Dr Barry Sears,

Inflammation within blood vessels plays a key role inrepparttar 148589 development of atherosclerosis -- a risk for heart disease and stroke.

Therefore, researchers sayrepparttar 148590 anti-inflammatory effects ofrepparttar 148591 omega-3 fatty acids in fish found in this study may explain why fish is healthy forrepparttar 148592 heart.

Fish Fight Inflammation to Keep Heart Healthy

Inrepparttar 148593 study, which appears inrepparttar 148594 Journal ofrepparttar 148595 American College of Cardiology, researchers compared fish consumption and blood inflammation markers in a group of about 3,000 men and women inrepparttar 148596 Attica region of Greece.

Planning Stress Management

Written by Jeff Dedrick

Deadlines at work, demanding bosses, bills to be paid at home, kids demanding for time and attention, changes inrepparttar environment, etc. AAARRRRGH. These arerepparttar 148545 realities of everyday living that people in an industrialized world have to constantly contend with, if these factors are not handled properly this will lead to stress. Stress isrepparttar 148546 wear and tearrepparttar 148547 body experiences as people adjust torepparttar 148548 ever-changing environment. It is relative to every individual. What may be considered as stressful to one person may not be true to another. Since stress factors are part of daily life,repparttar 148549 goal is not to eliminate stress but to findrepparttar 148550 optimal level whererepparttar 148551 stress factors motivaterepparttar 148552 individual in continuing his/her life and not be overwhelmed. This is called stress management. Life without these stress factors may lead to boredom, dejection and depression. Onrepparttar 148553 other hand, excess of which may make one feel tied up in knots. So, how do we know that we are attainingrepparttar 148554 optimal stress level? A clear indication that stress management has not been practiced orrepparttar 148555 optimal stress level has not been attained isrepparttar 148556 presence of related illness. Most sickness is due to unrelieved stress such as hypertension, dizziness, hyperacidity, etc. This indicates that stress must be reduced in daily living. So, how does one really manage stress? Two things may be done. It may be done by either changingrepparttar 148557 source of stress or changing one’s reactions to it. Asrepparttar 148558 cliché goes, it’s either we shape out or we shape up. In doingrepparttar 148559 former, it’s like totally quittingrepparttar 148560 status quo. It’s like giving up totally so thatrepparttar 148561 stress factor that is present in life is totally eliminated. Some see this as chickening out or being yellow. However, this is also relative forrepparttar 148562 individual because ifrepparttar 148563 stress factor already affects every aspect ofrepparttar 148564 life ofrepparttar 148565 individual, getting out ofrepparttar 148566 situation completely may berepparttar 148567 best option. This may also be considered a brave move. The second option takes a lot of courage and maturity. Being able to identify and practice appropriate reactions to stressful situations takes a lot of courage and wisdom. However, with determination and persistence, this can be achieved. The best way to manage stress is to first become aware ofrepparttar 148568 stressors and to observe individual’s emotion and physical reactions to them. Most often, people ignorerepparttar 148569 stress factors and just wish that they would go away. The stressor may be a person, a situation or an event. The individual must recognize that a stress factor is affecting his/her life and emotionally and physically he/she is reacting to it. After whichrepparttar 148570 next thing to do is to recognize what can be changed. The change may occur by avoiding or eliminatingrepparttar 148571 stress factor completely as stated earlier or by reducing its intensity. This is done by managingrepparttar 148572 stress over a period of time instead of on a daily or weekly basis. If possible, it is best to try also to shorten exposure to stress. This may be done by taking a break, a sabbatical or a leave whatever possible so long asrepparttar 148573 individual avoidsrepparttar 148574 physical premise whererepparttar 148575 stress is present. Another way is to devote time and energy to effect change by practicing goal setting and time management techniques.

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