The happiest person in America: what's sex got to do with it?

Written by David Leonhardt

Who isrepparttar happiest person in America? USA Today featured Happiest Person in a cover story in its USA Weekend magazine. Bad news: it's not you. Nor is it me.

Just how did they find Happiest Person and determine that he is indeedrepparttar 132596 happiest person in America? The USA Today research team appears to have used an elegantly simple three-step process.

First, they identified "the world's leading authority on happiness", Martin Seligman ... which must have come as a wee bit of a surprise to several of his equally well-known and equally well-respected peers. How they picked Seligman remains more of a mystery than how a land-locked nation of mountains and yodeling became home torepparttar 132597 holy grail of yachting, but we are working feverishly to crackrepparttar 132598 code.

Next, they asked Seligman to name six principles of happiness. Seligman listed couple strengths, a win-win approach, savoring success, playing to one's strengths, opening doors to opportunity and finding meaning in life.

Finally, they applied Seligman's principles to determine who best matches them. Naawww, just kidding. That would make way too much sense. Instead, USA Today created a make-believe process of its own that stands out from Seligman's list likerepparttar 132599 Jolly Green Giant at a dwarf convention. Here isrepparttar 132600 USA Today process.

Geography. It seems that Happiest Person must live inrepparttar 132601 best place to live, which is Virginia Beach, in case you didn't know. If somebody even happier than Happiest Person lives in San Francisco or Vermont,repparttar 132602 USA Today research team does not want to know.

Why confine their search to one town? Could geography berepparttar 132603 secret to happiness that Seligman failed to mention? True, research does show that people living in free societies tend to be happier than others, but there is no evidence that where you live withinrepparttar 132604 free world makes a difference.

Change The World

Written by Clive Taylor

Changerepparttar World

It is becoming clear thatrepparttar 132594 way a country or society is,repparttar 132595 kind of “psyche” it has, depends onrepparttar 132596 way people relate to each other one-to-one, atrepparttar 132597 day-to-day level of life.

At this one-to-one level there are very simple “Rules” of behaving.

It is these Rules that determine how things happen atrepparttar 132598 large scale of society, no matter how much people try to impose outcomes from “above” – this can only distortrepparttar 132599 outcome.

This creation ofrepparttar 132600 large scale byrepparttar 132601 small scale is one ofrepparttar 132602 fundamental understandings ofrepparttar 132603 new field of study called “Emergence Theory”.

This may seem simplistic, but there is increasing evidence that much of what happens in life comes about in this “Emergence” way. (Biology, Mind, Ecologies,repparttar 132604 Universe,repparttar 132605 Internet, etc).

The rules that a majority of our current society seem to have unconsciously agreed to act on are:

1.Get as much as you can for yourself from those you have anything to do with in your day-to-day world.

2.Make sure you don’t take so much from those you deal with and relate to, that they won’t have anything to do with you anymore.

It is suggested, that if we would like a more enriching and supportive world, we can create this by putting in place and acting on, a new set of simple Emergence rules:

1.Every time you have any dealings with someone, make sure that you create an outcome that is ofrepparttar 132606 highest good for both of you.

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