The good and the bad...

Written by Terry Dashner

Pastor Terry Dashner………………Faith Fellowship Church PO Box 1586 Broken Arrow, OK 74013

Three essential things…

Luke 16:19-31 isrepparttar story aboutrepparttar 123230 rich man and Lazarus. It is more than a parable. It is a story told by Jesus, Himself, about a man who “faired sumptuously” and another man who writhed in agony while living on earth. What makes this story stand out fromrepparttar 123231 other parables of Jesus? This isrepparttar 123232 only story that Jesus told, giving personal names torepparttar 123233 story characters (Lazarus, father Abraham).

I believerepparttar 123234 story is true, and Jesus told it to teach His disciples three essential things aboutrepparttar 123235 next life. I’d like to share these truths with you. It won’t take much time to read through them; however, they are of such importance that they can lead you through this life and intorepparttar 123236 next.

The first point of emphasis is this. God is an either or God. There is no “variableness” with Him—no “shadow of turning,” says James chapter one. The first thing I notice aboutrepparttar 123237 story ofrepparttar 123238 rich man and Lazarus isrepparttar 123239 stark contrasts. One man is rich, andrepparttar 123240 other is poor. One man is regal,repparttar 123241 other is a pauper. One man is self-righteous, andrepparttar 123242 other is crying out for mercy. The list goes on. What does this say? I’d rather berepparttar 123243 one calling out for mercy in this life and, thus, be granted eternal life through Christ Jesus inrepparttar 123244 next then to be full of self-righteousness, fairing well in this life and miss eternal life. How about you?

The second point of emphasis is this. The story underscoresrepparttar 123245 immutable character of God. God is faithful and can not be unfaithful. Why? Because His character is immutable. He does not vacillate from faithfulness to unfaithfulness, although we do. When God tells us something, we can take it torepparttar 123246 bank. He will not lie. His character won’t let Him lie. God says thatrepparttar 123247 righteous will one day be rewarded for trusting Him in this life. He means it. God also says thatrepparttar 123248 unrighteous will not see life, butrepparttar 123249 wrath of God awaits them. This is sad, but true. Yet nobody has to experiencerepparttar 123250 wrath of God.

Compassion and Plenty

Written by Michelle Jacobson

He Showed 'Compassion'.

He made lots where there was only little. He exceeded well beyond what man thought was needed...

How Will They Eat?

In John 6, Jesus wasrepparttar one that brought uprepparttar 123229 subject. He asked Philip where they should buyrepparttar 123230 bread so thatrepparttar 123231 multitude of people could eat.

Philip knew even a lot of money wouldn't be enough for everyone to even have a little bit.

The lack.

Philip immediately looked at how much there wasn’t. The lack. He didn’t look atrepparttar 123232 situation as an opportunity for Jesus to do a miracle.

Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, told him that there was a boy there that had two fish and five loves of bread. He told Jesus that he knew it wasn’t much for so many people. He didn’t see it as an opportunity for Jesus to show His love.

You may have heard aboutrepparttar 123233 miracle. There were about 5,000 men. -Inrepparttar 123234 Strong's Hebrew and Greek Dictionariesrepparttar 123235 word 'men' here meant 'males'. The number doesn't includerepparttar 123236 women or children that were there! At only one child per couple there would have been closer to 15,000 people!

Jesus toldrepparttar 123237 disciples to haverepparttar 123238 people sit down inrepparttar 123239 grass. Jesus gave thanks to God forrepparttar 123240 food andrepparttar 123241 disciples passed out some to everyone.

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