The composite facts about Rabbit Meat

Written by Robert Oni

1 Cholesterol level in rabbit meat is much lower than chicken, turkey, beef, pork. (Alabama A & M University 1989)

2 Rabbit is lower in % of fat than chicken, turkey, beef, and pork. (U S D A circular # 549)

3 Unsaturated fatty acids is 63% of total fatty acids. ( Dr Reo)

4 Rabbit is highest in protein%. (U S D A circular # 549)

5 The office of home economics, state relations ofrepparttar U S Department of Agriculture has made extensive test and have stated that domestic rabbit meat isrepparttar 136253 most nutritious meat known to man.

6 Rabbit meat is seasonal any month ofrepparttar 136254 year and is especially recommended duringrepparttar 136255 hot summer months, as it does not containrepparttar 136256 heating properties of most all other meats.

7 Rabbit meat has been used and is suitable for special diets, such as those for heart disease patients, diets forrepparttar 136257 aged, low sodium diets, weight reduction diets, ect. ( Rabbit production Cheek Patton Templeton) Of course this is between you and your doctor. We do not make any recommendations of this type because we are not qualified.

8 Rabbit has 795 calories per pound. Chicken 810, Veal 840, Turkey 1190, Lamb 1420, Beef 1440, Pork 2050. ( U S D A circular # 549 )

9 A doe rabbit that weighs 10 pounds can produce 320 pounds of meat in a year. !!! WOW !!!. This is more than a cow and it takes 2 acres of land to raise a cow.

10 Rabbits will produce 6 pounds of meat onrepparttar 136258 same feed and water as a cow will produce 1 pound of meat onrepparttar 136259 same feed and water.

11 Baby rabbits feed of mothers milk so rich that they can double their weight in 6 short days as compared to a pig at 14 days, calves 47 days, and humans 160 days.

12 Our rabbits are fed a special blend of 40% alfalfa hay and 60% grain( oats, wheat, barley, sougram, soybean, ect ) that is made into a pelleted feed.

13 Rabbits are raised up offrepparttar 136260 ground and is one ofrepparttar 136261 cleanest meat.

14 Rabbits are amongrepparttar 136262 most productive of domestic livestock.

How To Make Your Next Weight Loss Attempt The Last One

Written by Vic Damone

You have tried repeatedly to keep a diet and you almost didrepparttar last time. It’s true that here and there you stumbled a few times but that’s okay. However, you were disappointed to see that you didn’t get any results, despite all your efforts. But maybe there are some things that you didn’t know about dieting. Let’s go over some of these tips together. Do you make time to eat atrepparttar 136231 same time every day? It’s important not to miss any meals and its okay to have some snacks too. But you have to snack wisely. Have something healthy: low-fat yogurt, dry fruits or raw vegetables. We don’t recommend ignoring your hunger, because otherwise you’ll get very hungry for your next meal and you’ll find yourself eating too much. How many times have you found yourself eating for reasons other than hunger? We usually indulge in foods that are fattening for sentimental reasons. Try listening to your body so you can see what’s really going on inside. Maybe you are worried or preoccupied with something. Overeating solves worry and other emotional upset temporarily, butrepparttar 136232 underlying reason must be resolved. If you are bored, just get up and go for a walk or do something you’ve been putting off. Are you eating foods you like? Are you giving yourself enough variety every day? The only foods that I eat every day are bananas, bran cereal, vegetable juices, some fruit and raw vegetable snacks. Everything else I mix around a bit. A friend of mine had me over one day and had me try some of her miso soup. I loved it and asked her forrepparttar 136233 recipe. Now I make some every other day. I find that not depriving yourself ofrepparttar 136234 foods you love, even if they’re a little bad for you, is okay every once in a while.

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