The best way to use your home equity loan

Written by Syd Johnson

A home equity loan gives you another option for financing big ticket items at a lower interest rate. Consumer debt isrepparttar single largest reason why consumers try to get a home equity loan. There are many ways forrepparttar 112109 average American family to buy more and spend more on credit. All it takes is one small regular monthly payment to keeprepparttar 112110 process going.

So how do you know which items are manageable on your existing salary, and which items might be better financed with a home equity loan?

The key idea is thatrepparttar 112111 debt should be large, high interest, and be a one time or infrequent charge. If you use these three key items to measurerepparttar 112112 effectiveness of getting a home equity loan, you can pay off your debts and avoid a relapse which is very common for consumers with massive debt.

One ofrepparttar 112113 most popular reasons for getting a home equity loan is to pay off large credit card debts. If you plan to pay off any kind of revolving debt, try to limitrepparttar 112114 amount of cards orrepparttar 112115 credit limit that you will have available after you pay off your debt.

Oncerepparttar 112116 credit cards are clear, if there is no change in your spending habits, you can easily rack up more credit card debt on top ofrepparttar 112117 home equity loan that must be repaid. If this happens then it might be time for some professional help to manage your budget or extensive credit counseling.

The second criteria is thatrepparttar 112118 debt should be a one time or infrequent debt. Another popular use of a home equity loan is to finance home improvement projects. This seems like a good idea because an investment, especially an improvement inrepparttar 112119 aesthetics and features of your home can lead to a dramatic increase inrepparttar 112120 value of your property.

Invest in the stock market for the RIGHT reason, using the RIGHT choices

Written by Charles M O'Melia

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Invest inrepparttar 112110 stock market forrepparttar 112111 RIGHT reason, usingrepparttar 112112 RIGHT choices!

Investing inrepparttar 112113 stock market is not purchasing a stock at 25 dollars a share, hoping it will go to 35 so you can sell it, then hoping it will drop back to 25 so you can buy it back, so that you can sell it again at 35, and so on and so forth.

In my opinion, that is gambling. And, I would imagine, some would believe that ANY investment inrepparttar 112114 stock market is gambling.

So, forrepparttar 112115 sake of argument, let’s assume that every investment inrepparttar 112116 stock market is a gamble (whether you’re trading in and out of a stock position or a long-term investor). If every investment inrepparttar 112117 stock market is a gamble, then, how doesrepparttar 112118 investor/gambler stackrepparttar 112119 odds in their favor?

What arerepparttar 112120 right investment choices forrepparttar 112121 right reason that will stackrepparttar 112122 odds in favor ofrepparttar 112123 individual investor, to receive a return worthrepparttar 112124 gamble? What isrepparttar 112125 RIGHT reason, and what arerepparttar 112126 RIGHT choices to make when investing/gambling inrepparttar 112127 stock market when looking for a return better than a passbook savings account, a CD, Bond or Mutual Fund?

The right reason to invest/gamble inrepparttar 112128 stock market, believe it or not, is not to make a profit! That’s right! The right reason to invest/gamble inrepparttar 112129 stock market is to provide an INCOME! Actually, I’ll go even one step further! The right reason to invest/gamble inrepparttar 112130 stock market is to receive an EVER-INCREASING CASH income every quarter from every stock that you own.

Once you have set your mind toward this right reason for investing/gambling, thenrepparttar 112131 right choices will become very clear.

If every stock owned (every quarter) is going to supply an ever-increasing cash income, then two right choices, right fromrepparttar 112132 get-go, are necessary. One, that every company’s stock purchased must pay a cash dividend, and two, that every cash dividend paid byrepparttar 112133 company would have to be rolled back into more shares every quarter, until retirement. Those two right choices means that every quarter there will be more shares of each company owned, which, in turn, will create an ever-increasing cash dividend income (as long asrepparttar 112134 companies owned maintain their dividend).

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