The best long-term investment in today's market?

Written by Willard Michlin

Best long-term investment in today’s market? By Willard Michlin

The stock market is very unstable. At this time it is going up and down while interest rates are so low that you want to be a borrower and not a lender. Would you like some suggestions on how can you getrepparttar most out of low interest rates while being assured your principal will not disappear while you are trying to make some money? Of course, there is alwaysrepparttar 106189 danger of borrowingrepparttar 106190 money and then spending it just because it is there.

So, would you also like to know what isrepparttar 106191 best way to borrow money at today’s low rates without spending it? Buy real estate. Not any real estate but real estate that will hold its value, even if single family houses go down. It is apartment buildings. Because apartment rents are still going up,repparttar 106192 value of apartment buildings haverepparttar 106193 best chance of appreciating while everything else goes down.

Low interest rates mean that you can have a positive cash flow at real estate purchase prices you would have lost your shirt on, even two years ago. Rates are currently 4.5% to 6.5% interest rates when we used to pay 9% for apartment loans just a few years ago. Apartments have become a better investment for two main reasons. First, carrying costs (interest costs) have been going down. Second, income has been going up, substantially. Can things be better than this? YES IT CAN.

I have developed two programs. One is to take people with a small net worth and build an estate or self directed IRA (tax free retirement plan) that is worth up to $800,000 in 15 years and that generates an income of $60,000 per year with both still going up after that.

For those that can put together $100,000 to start I have developed a second program whererepparttar 106194 numbers come in at $1,300,000 net worth, with a $100,000 annual net profit and in only 10 years. Unbelievable? Yes, and with low risk as well! This comes out to be a 25% annual return with no roller coaster stock market ride. I figured out how to do it and it really works. I have done it before and I know many now retired senior citizens that have done it inrepparttar 106195 past.

Do you know what your body shop business is worth?

Written by Willard Michlin

Many smaller body shop owners have asked, “How do I appraise my body shop?” Inrepparttar last month I have been asked to do two appraisals on body shops. The first appraisal was to assist in partnership dissolution;repparttar 106188 second appraisal was for marriage dissolution. (That is whatrepparttar 106189 attorneys call a divorce.) Would you like to know how to appraiserepparttar 106190 value of a body shop business?

Before we begin, I would like to make one comment. Whenever a CPA has done an appraisal of a body shop, I find that their opinion of value is much greater thanrepparttar 106191 actual valuerepparttar 106192 market place will pay. This is not becauserepparttar 106193 CPA’s do not know what they are doing because they do; it is just thatrepparttar 106194 market place places a much higher risk on buying a body shop thanrepparttar 106195 accountants do. The following is an excerpt from one of those appraisals.

THE THREE WAYS TO APPRAISE A BUSINESS 1. The ASSET VALUATION METHOD. This method is basically used when a body shop does less than $400,000 a year in gross income andrepparttar 106196 seller is making wages, but no real profit above what he would be paid if working for another. On this size business, a buyer is willing to pay forrepparttar 106197 assets ofrepparttar 106198 business but little or nothing for goodwill. The equipment is usually worth between $50,000 and $100,000, depending on how many frame machinesrepparttar 106199 business owns and how nice a spray boothrepparttar 106200 business owns.

I have seen some specialized shops sell for more thanrepparttar 106201 above number because they have a truck spray booth or another business attached torepparttar 106202 main business. Examples of attached business might be an auto repair shop or towing operation. Alsorepparttar 106203 location, size and real estate rental amount will influencerepparttar 106204 value of any business, to some degree.

2. The second method, I callrepparttar 106205 GROSS SALES METHOD. This is used whenrepparttar 106206 sales are over $1,000,000 a year butrepparttar 106207 profit is unknown or financials are not available or reliable. Because of experience, a Body shop buyer can make reasonable estimates of future profits, if they have some basic information. The basic information includes rent, source of business (DRP, STREET, or a CAR RENTAL AGENCY), andrepparttar 106208 desirability ofrepparttar 106209 location.

When this method is used,repparttar 106210 value appears to be about 3 months sales or 25% ofrepparttar 106211 last 12 months sales. This method is not very reliable on businesses with sales of less than $1,000,000, becauserepparttar 106212 question of being profitable is very questionable. Why is this breaking point $1,000,000 in annual sales? Multi-store buyers will have well paid managers, so many figure their breakeven point is around a million.

Less than $1,000,000 in sales is not even worth their time. Of course we know that there are exceptions torepparttar 106213 rules. Some ofrepparttar 106214 exceptions are A. when a new location will be a satellite store to a bigger location. B. The buyer must have a location in a specific area to please a DRP. C. To get rid of a competitor.

3. The third and most used method of evaluating any business, including body shops, isrepparttar 106215 NET PROFIT METHOD. This method is based onrepparttar 106216 idea that a business is worth what it generates, in profit and benefits, for an owner. Body shops, like so many other small businesses, often do not show a profit, atrepparttar 106217 end ofrepparttar 106218 year. Strange, how so many businesses of different sizes all just happen to end up with little or no profit. What I find really amazing is thatrepparttar 106219 IRS doesn’t audit more businesses then they currently do.

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