The basics of scanning

Written by Granny's Mettle

Tired of all those negatives and prints making clutter all over your workspace? Edit and organize by turning them into digital materials. Get rid of allrepparttar clutter and scan those pictures. Once digitized, you can easily make adjustments by exporting them into Photoshop and create more contrast, color and clarity.

Scanner technology has come a long way to digitizing photos and negatives. They come in all shapes and sizes, and price range. Here's a basic course onrepparttar 107246 science of scanning:

When shopping for scanners… When shopping for scanners,repparttar 107247 two things to keep in mind are features and, of course,repparttar 107248 price. There's a cornucopia of review sites on scanners that will definitely help you with your choice. In a review, scanners are usually sorted from A to Z, and rated according to features and price. They also indicate where you can avail ofrepparttar 107249 equipment being rated.

If you have a PC, you might want to choose from a huge selection provided by product announcements, news and articles inrepparttar 107250 internet. PC Buyer's Guide is one site that offers a wide range of information and sources for flatbed scanners. Onrepparttar 107251 other hand, if you're a Mac fanatic, there are plenty of choices too, that support your favorite computer.

The choice of scanner all depends on you and your needs. It may be an antique in typical tech industry. But if it makes good reproductions, and is easy to set up and use, then I believe you foundrepparttar 107252 scanner that's right for you.

The jargon of scanning… When looking and comparing features, you might notice that there's an abundance of scanning terms and words. There's a lot of jargon to absorb. Don't be alarmed. The language is easy to learn. You just have to be familiar with most of them and you're on your way to understandingrepparttar 107253 scanner better.

Inrepparttar 107254 world of scanners, you just need to be familiar with two measurements: bit or color depth, and resolution. Both have to do withrepparttar 107255 reproduction of colors and grayscale images. However, they refer to different aspects ofrepparttar 107256 process.

Bit depth refers torepparttar 107257 number of bits of image datarepparttar 107258 scanner will use for each pixel. One designer proposes a scanner with 24 bit depth to create "true color". This kind of scanner yields 16.7 million colors. To scanner techies, that means 256 x 256 x 256 red, green and blue dot combinations. These days, almost allrepparttar 107259 scanners available have at least 24-bit capability.


Written by Blur Loterina

When you scan an image, does it look more like a duplicate made by a photocopier? Does enlarging your image give you headache because you always get a sort of colored boxes, instead?

A scanner is just like a photocopier. The only difference is that, a copier creates a copy to a paper while a scanner transmitsrepparttar scanned object intorepparttar 107245 computer, thus, creating a digital image of any printed material. The transferring of image torepparttar 107246 paper is done by a printer.

One purpose of scanning is to allow you to edit images. You must have, of course, a printed material of what you want to scan. The scanner will create a copy of it onrepparttar 107247 computer. You can now edit it and print it afterwards. You must always remember thatrepparttar 107248 quality ofrepparttar 107249 duplicate will never be as good asrepparttar 107250 original. If you want to make a copy closer to original,repparttar 107251 solution is onrepparttar 107252 correct adjustments ofrepparttar 107253 scanner.

Scanning images, whether color or black and white, are always associated withrepparttar 107254 word resolution or dpi. For you to achieverepparttar 107255 image quality you desire, you should know and understand how these affect your image.

Resolution refers torepparttar 107256 number of pixels contained inrepparttar 107257 monitor. Pixel, fromrepparttar 107258 words “picture element”, isrepparttar 107259 basic unit of programmable color in a computer image. For a better view of what I am telling you, try to enlarge a photo. You will noticerepparttar 107260 squares that make uprepparttar 107261 image. These squares arerepparttar 107262 pixels.

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