The accuracy of colors

Written by Florie Lyn Masarate

Design experts would know that colors may appear differently from one screen torepparttar next. So it would not be shocking for those who knew when they see their prints turning out notrepparttar 151006 same asrepparttar 151007 one they have been seeing so perfectly on screen. it is said that what you see onrepparttar 151008 monitor is being converted to a different “color space”. That is whyrepparttar 151009 colors are notrepparttar 151010 same when it is already in print because it has undergone color spaces while printing. One ofrepparttar 151011 technical explanations for these is thatrepparttar 151012 monitor sees images withrepparttar 151013 use of RGB (that’s Red, Green and Blue) colors, while most printing companies use CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black) andrepparttar 151014 Pantone Matching system. There goes your culprit. Try comparingrepparttar 151015 printed result fromrepparttar 151016 one on screen. See any relation? Not even distant relatives.

The colors you wish to see on print changes inrepparttar 151017 process of printing due torepparttar 151018 colors that are dominant onrepparttar 151019 screen that varies from that onrepparttar 151020 printers. Gettingrepparttar 151021 result you wanted would mean a lot of color testing and even some knowledge on colors.

The printing industry is continuously spending money, and time, in trying to make a calibrated monitor. The WYSIWP (what-you-see-is-what-you-print), as they say. This is solved by adjustingrepparttar 151022 monitor to be able to reproduce what they think would come inrepparttar 151023 print result and on paper. One variable that is also needed isrepparttar 151024 inks that will be used. It would take a lot of combinations to be able to getrepparttar 151025 right colors on paper to matchrepparttar 151026 screen colors. And of course,repparttar 151027 ink quality plays a major role, as not all are ofrepparttar 151028 same texture and do not produce exactlyrepparttar 151029 same colors.

Showing your true colors

Written by Florie Lyn Masarate

In businesses, in order to be competitive, you have to remain consistent. By this, it means consistent inrepparttar kind of services that you offer, consistent in givingrepparttar 151005 best andrepparttar 151006 finest result. There are also many other things that you should remain consistent about because this is one ofrepparttar 151007 factors thatrepparttar 151008 customers are looking for. By being consistent, one is assured of an organized, time conserving and money saving service. This often leads torepparttar 151009 feeling of security and strength among customers. Though change isrepparttar 151010 trend in everything, people will eventually go back torepparttar 151011 things that they have gotten used to.

Graphic designs can be considered one ofrepparttar 151012 structures and strengths that a company should possess in order to retainrepparttar 151013 interest andrepparttar 151014 trust of people. The purpose of these graphics is to makerepparttar 151015 company look strong and secure inrepparttar 151016 eyes ofrepparttar 151017 customers.

What would be graphic design without colors? Colors are one of its façade. The use of colors in graphic designs plays a big part inrepparttar 151018 company’s marketing and advertising purposes. Colors in themselves create an impression depending on how people see and associate them with. These colors are used to not only to make an impact but also to impart to themrepparttar 151019 feeling of security and strength that every company should have. It is therefore important to know how this color can work for your company.

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