The Write to Link Popularity

Written by Nicholas Dixon

Using writing as a means of boosting your link popularity can be a turnoff for many webmasters, when in fact it can lead to a wealth of links.

I first learnt about link popularity while researching about many different methods that I could use to market a Geocities site I had. After emailing countless webmasters and receiving some dismal results, I realized that it was hopeless to get people to exchange links with my freebie website.

Then I discovered writing. At first I was skeptical at using this concept but after trying it for some time,repparttar results began to show. What was wonderful is that it only cost me some of my time.

Withrepparttar 120015 help of article writing I was able to achieve a Pagerank of 4 for my Geocities website. The more webmasters that archived my articlesrepparttar 120016 more links I had pointing to my site. As a result of my growing link popularity I began to see my site show up onrepparttar 120017 first or second page for some relatively competitive search terms.

Using writing as a marketing tool can save you thousands in advertising dollars. Imagine a website or ezine that costs hundreds to advertise in and you haverepparttar 120018 feature article which didn’t cost you a dime to produce. You can easily see which generates more profit inrepparttar 120019 long run.

Throughrepparttar 120020 power ofrepparttar 120021 written word you can be able to get free publicity for your business. Providing quality and profitable and sometimes inspiring information can help you to achieve that goal. Many top marketers have used writing to good effect.

How Important it is to have a Professional Business Logo?

Written by Ray Smith

There are a lot of things that contribute towardsrepparttar success of a business. Having a good quality product doesn't necessarily assurerepparttar 120014 success of a business. To build a long term impression on your customers, it is vital that you have a proper marketing strategy and something unique about your company. Here comes inrepparttar 120015 importance for having a custom logo design. I think it is absolutely important for all corporate bodies to realizerepparttar 120016 importance of having a custom designed logo. A professional logo design goes a long way to establishrepparttar 120017 identity and exuderepparttar 120018 attitude ofrepparttar 120019 company. Now, when we say 'professional logo design", we must understand that it is not a child's play, its a specialist job and better if it is assigned to a professional logo designer. The corporate bodies need to appointrepparttar 120020 specialist inrepparttar 120021 field to get it done. I definitely do understand that its lot of fun to design your own logo; You play with colors, try out your drawing skills and spend some idle time to think what should berepparttar 120022 design, atrepparttar 120023 end you land up with a very common concept of havingrepparttar 120024 initials of your company in some twisted fashion or putting in a sleazy slogan to say your product isrepparttar 120025 best or some other things like that. However, that is not how your logo should be, it is not just a small graphics to appear in your business cards and letterheads. A logo, if done properly can leave a long and deep impression on your customers mind. They go a long way in depictingrepparttar 120026 image of your business. You can well understand, how powerful a logo can be if you think aboutrepparttar 120027 golden M of McDonalds—the moment you see that, you know its’ them. Do you even take a moment to think, to whom does that logo belong? Wouldn’t you like your company to have an equally powerful logo?

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