The Wind Did It

Written by Terry Dashner

The Wind did it

Terry Dashner………Faith Fellowship Church PO Box 1586 Broken Arrow, OK 74013

You can’t findrepparttar wind, butrepparttar 139120 wind will find you and envelope you. Why is this true? Do you remember these words? “The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going.” Wind just happens or does it?

As you know, I haverepparttar 139121 utmost respect for Dr. D. James Kennedy. He has written another wonderful book entitled, What if America were a Christian Nation Again? (Thomas Nelson Publishers: Nashville, TN 2003). In his book, Dr. Kennedy speaks ofrepparttar 139122 Sovereignty of God, especially as it relates torepparttar 139123 discovery and progress of America. What really strikes me aboutrepparttar 139124 Almighty is His wind.

God directsrepparttar 139125 wind at His command. For example, Columbus’s ship was moved along by a mysterious wind. Says Dr. Kennedy, “Columbus’s ship, historians tell us, was headed directly towardrepparttar 139126 Carolinas. But duringrepparttar 139127 long voyage,repparttar 139128 frightened, restless crew threatened mutiny. They planned to throwrepparttar 139129 admiral overboard and return to Europe. Suddenly,repparttar 139130 cry went up that land had been sighted torepparttar 139131 southeast. Columbus’s log tells us that they headed toward that land, but what they had seen was merely a cloud onrepparttar 139132 horizon. Stillrepparttar 139133 mutiny was averted.

“Several days later, however,repparttar 139134 men were once again ready to overthrowrepparttar 139135 admiral. Oddly enough, a flock of birds flew overrepparttar 139136 ship, heading southwest. A second correction was made, which divertedrepparttar 139137 ship from heading toward north Florida; thus, Columbus landed at San Salvador” (page 12). What ifrepparttar 139138 birds had not appeared onrepparttar 139139 “wings ofrepparttar 139140 wind”? For one, Americans would be speaking Spanish instead of English. Andrepparttar 139141 English Protestants never would have established a foothold onrepparttar 139142 eastern seaboard.

God directsrepparttar 139143 wind. For example, 32 years beforerepparttar 139144 Pilgrims sailed to Americarepparttar 139145 Spanish tried to conquer Great Britain, which would have changedrepparttar 139146 course of human history. Atrepparttar 139147 time, Spain ruledrepparttar 139148 seas but was being blighted by Englishmen like Sir Francis Drake. Spain sent outrepparttar 139149 “Invincible Armada,” to crushrepparttar 139150 English once and for all. Not far from Lisbon,repparttar 139151 winds blew up a storm and destroyed many Spanish ships. This leveledrepparttar 139152 playing field—or should I sayrepparttar 139153 battle field. Oncerepparttar 139154 Spanish were routed byrepparttar 139155 smaller, but faster sailing ships ofrepparttar 139156 British, England ruledrepparttar 139157 seas and began to colonize a new world. Once again,repparttar 139158 wind, directedrepparttar 139159 course of modern history.

God directsrepparttar 139160 wind. For example,repparttar 139161 winds keptrepparttar 139162 French at bay in America. Says Dr. Kennedy, “In 1606, fourteen years beforerepparttar 139163 Pilgrims landed at Plymouth,repparttar 139164 French made an effort to colonize New England. Underrepparttar 139165 leadership of Pierre DeMonts, they made three attempts. Onrepparttar 139166 first two, their ships were driven fromrepparttar 139167 coasts by strong winds, while onrepparttar 139168 third attempt,repparttar 139169 ships were destroyed onrepparttar 139170 treacherous shoal of Cape Cod, and DeMonts was killed.” Dr Kennedy continues, “In 1746,repparttar 139171 French swept down from Nova Scotia underrepparttar 139172 leadership ofrepparttar 139173 Duke D’ Anville, with forty men-of-war and thousands of French troops, determined to completely wipe outrepparttar 139174 English colonists and make New England a French possession.

Morgan, Lafitte and Merovingians

Written by Robert Bruce Baird

The following missive starts to show a little of what I suspected and when I receiverepparttar documents my book on these people will have many other avenues to explore I am sure.

“I have documents concerning one Jean Lafitte, it is possibly Jean Lafitterepparttar 139010 pirate after Galveston. Jean Lafitte lived in Cuba with Arsenne Lacarriere Latour. In a letter dated 1829 from Latour to Edward Livingstone Latour identified Jean Lafitte withrepparttar 139011 name code "Maison Rouge". It isrepparttar 139012 name ofrepparttar 139013 house of Jean Lafitte at Galveston. In 1827 this Jean Lafitte went to Bordeaux, his native city and bought a castle named "Chateau Lafitte" and other house named "Maison Rouge" at Gradignan near BORDEAUX. Jean Lafitte’s death occurred on 14/03/1858 at GRADIGNAN (this village of Gradignan isrepparttar 139014 village ofrepparttar 139015 DELAS family). In New Orleans archives exists a Delas/Lafitte connexion. This coincidences are very very strange because it's possible Jean Lafitterepparttar 139016 pirate after Galveston and Cuba returned to France at Bordeauxrepparttar 139017 native city and I have a photo post card of this "Maison Rouge" withrepparttar 139018 French inscription: ‘La Maison Rouge ayant appartenu à Jean Lafitte 1828/1858.This message for Pam Keyes a Jean Lafitte specialist. Best regards. P. LAFITTE.’” (1)

This person lives in France and he mentions another name that a person from that region would have known. Latour is also a name on wines like Chateau Latour. I have asked him to say if he knows of a connection torepparttar 139019 Rothschilds and that would be a stroke of good fortune. He is sendingrepparttar 139020 documents he has. It is just as likely that they boughtrepparttar 139021 castle and there is no familial relationship. However, I must also check intorepparttar 139022 Cathar connection to Lafitte orrepparttar 139023 Catalan Tartessian connection that Columbus and other seafarers have. This will require a whole chapter as will some ofrepparttar 139024 things I already know about Cuba andrepparttar 139025 secret societies. The Edward Livingstone referred to above is very important and we will delve into some of his work with Lafitte and payoffs to American Presidents or other parties later. Maison Rouge is indeed a good name for those who trade in blood.

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