The Willingness to Heal

Written by Margaret Paul, Ph.D.

The following article is offered for free use in your ezine, print publication or on your web site, so long asrepparttar author resource box atrepparttar 130834 end is included. Notification of publication would be appreciated.

Title: The Willingness to Heal Author: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. E-mail: Copyright: © 2003 by Margaret Paul Web Address: Word Count: 574 Category: Emotional Healing


I have counseled individuals, couples, families and business partners forrepparttar 130835 past 35 years and authored eight published books. All this experience has resulted inrepparttar 130836 development of a profound healing process, called Inner Bonding, which anyone can learn and use throughoutrepparttar 130837 day (free course available - see resource box atrepparttar 130838 end ofrepparttar 130839 article). The first step of this process is willingness.

We cannot begin a journey without our willingness to do so. Without our willingness to do whatever it takes to heal, we will not beginrepparttar 130840 journey of healing and evolving our soul. Doing whatever it takes means that we are ready and willing to feel, learn about and take full responsibility for our own feelings - our own pain, fear, anger, hurt, aloneness, loneliness, disappointment, depression, sense of safety, worth, lovability and joy. Willingness means that we are ready to become aware of creating our own feelings with our thoughts, beliefs and actions. It means we are willing to face whatever it is we fear in order to healrepparttar 130841 beliefs causingrepparttar 130842 fear.

Willingness means that we choose to be courageous and face our demons -repparttar 130843 shadow side of ourselves about which we do not want anyone to know. It means that we are ready to move out of denial aboutrepparttar 130844 pain we are in, ready to stop hiding from ourselves. Willingness means that we are ready to become aware of how much we want control over our pain, over others, and overrepparttar 130845 outcome of things. Until we are ready to see, without judgment, how deeply we want to control everything, and allrepparttar 130846 overt and subtle ways we try to have control, we cannot choose to open.


Written by Hifzur Rehman

Believe me, today isrepparttar most wonderful day of your life! You live in today; drink, dine, walk, talk, work and play today. Living today is not enough, make it a wonderful day for you.

In order to make your today a wonderful day, get up fromrepparttar 130833 bed early inrepparttar 130834 morning. While brushing your teeth, brush awayrepparttar 130835 unfounded fears about today. Look inrepparttar 130836 mirror and say: "It's a wonderful day".

Go for a morning walk. Look what you were missing in your life. The chattering of birds,repparttar 130837 smile of flowers andrepparttar 130838 (good) morning breeze gently touching your body. What a wonderful day!

After oxygenating your body inrepparttar 130839 open air, sit down crossed legs onrepparttar 130840 floor in a quiet place and go into deep meditation for 20-30 minutes with your eyes closed. Now openrepparttar 130841 window of your imagination and see with your "inner eyes" a giant YOU (a very energetic, fearless and confident person). Visualizerepparttar 130842 real YOU, a very powerful person within you. Takerepparttar 130843 divine energy from your inner-self and charge your body withrepparttar 130844 high powered currents. Isn't it amazing! Lucky you! No doubt, it'srepparttar 130845 most wonderful day!

What can be more refreshing than taking a hot water shower cleaning your body from head to toe. While shaving your beard, shave awayrepparttar 130846 weeds of fear, self-pity and helplessness. Rather grow an imaginative beard of faith, courage and confidence. Now look inrepparttar 130847 mirror with your newly grown beard. Smile, smile, smile; it's a wonderful day.

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