The War on Women

Written by Robert Bruce Baird

Merovingian/Secret Society Rituals:

One of my fellow researchers on a site I have been involved with for a few years knows a lot more about genetics than I do. He says healthy genes have polarity that is harmonically tuned and this fits with many things I have read in mystical treatises. Sir Laurence Gardner’s Genesis ofrepparttar Grail Kings has a sub-title suggesting they even knew how to clone people a very long time ago. I have addressed Gardner’s work in great detail and I have pointed out many disturbing and questionable things. The Druids or Shining Ones and Heliopolitans arerepparttar 140732 origin of Gardner’s Rosicrucianity and I assure you they could affectrepparttar 140733 elements and thus make genetic changes. I must giverepparttar 140734 reader a little ofrepparttar 140735 debate before this kind of thing can be even remotely accepted as a possibility, I know.

Having no likelihood of concern for people not gaining insight to things some call dangerous, and being stubborn enough not to cater to ignorance, I am including much of these things in my writings. The next quote is fromrepparttar 140736 Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, 2nd. Edition by Leslie Shepard (pg. 215): It is of interest that Rhys mentions an Iberian origin that would relate torepparttar 140737 Basque who are also linguistically connected torepparttar 140738 Mayan, Vietnamese and Denhe of Northwestern America. One ofrepparttar 140739 Kennewick Man scholars thinks he may be Ainu (of Japanese white-skinned people) and I seerepparttar 140740 possibility of a Mu/Atlantis group who went to Japan andrepparttar 140741 Jomon pottery therefrom is in Ecuador. I thinkrepparttar 140742 Basque fitrepparttar 140743 type of people who would be Druidic trained and fiercely independent with a possible original input to Druidism.


According to Lewis Spence, magic amongrepparttar 140744 Celtic peoples in ancient times was so closely identified with Druidism that its origin may be said to have been Druidic. That Druidism was of Celtic origin, however, is a question upon which much discussion has been lavished, some authorities, among them Sir John Rhys, believing it to have been non-Celtic and even non-Aryan origin. This is to say thatrepparttar 140745 earliest non-Aryan or so- called Iberian or Megalithic people of Britain introducedrepparttar 140746 immigrant Celts torepparttar 140747 Druidic religion. An argument in favour of this theory is thatrepparttar 140748 continental Celts sent their neophyte Druid priests to Britain to undergo a special training atrepparttar 140749 hands ofrepparttar 140750 Druids there, {He isn't being specific about dates and if he were talking pre-Ice Age he might be right. If he is talking about early Roman times Caesar's journals make it clear there were many Druidic schools in Gaul. If he were talking about afterrepparttar 140751 fall of Rome he would be talking about Ireland or Scotland whererepparttar 140752 Druids recaptured territory from England. Since he said Britain it seems likely he is talking about a time when Tartessus in Spain was flourishing andrepparttar 140753 Celts were re-joining their Phoenician brothers there. The Tarshis boats of Biblical record that could travelrepparttar 140754 oceans are a most important part ofrepparttar 140755 history. The Veneti who we saw in Gaul fighting Caesar were related torepparttar 140756 people of Venice who came from Hallstatt acrossrepparttar 140757 Alps in 2,000 A.D. I do not think these people were without Druids because they had them in Genoa in 2000 BC; but if that wererepparttar 140758 case thenrepparttar 140759 Basque might berepparttar 140760 original Druids and Mu might berepparttar 140761 original cultural developer of all languages. I try to keep an open mind, to alternatives, but there are too many facts that point me another direction.} and there is little doubt that this island was regarded asrepparttar 140762 headquarters ofrepparttar 140763 Cult {There is much doubt unless he is incorporating Eire as part of Britain, which would be a time whenrepparttar 140764 Emerald Isles were without any Brutus offspring orrepparttar 140765 name Britain.}. The people of Cisalpine Gaul, for instance, had no Druidic priesthood. (See T. Rice Holmes, 'Caesar's Conquest of Gaul', 1899). Caesar stated that in Gaul, Druidic seminaries were very numerous, and that severe study and discipline were entailed uponrepparttar 140766 neophytes,repparttar 140767 principle business of whom was to commit to memory countless verses enshrining Druidic knowledge and tradition. There is some evidence that this instruction was astrological and magical.”

Butrepparttar 140768 Druids were in Cisalpine Gaul, in Genoa withrepparttar 140769 Legurians. Here it becomes clear we are dealing with extremely poor scholarship onrepparttar 140770 matter of Druidism: when he says 'women andrepparttar 140771 poetic craft'. He does not know that women were a vital and equal part ofrepparttar 140772 Druidic order andrepparttar 140773 Dryads may have beenrepparttar 140774 first priestesses according to many. The poets or bards (Bairds) were a stage in this training and in secular mattersrepparttar 140775 equal ofrepparttar 140776 Druids. There were perhaps more than three divisions ofrepparttar 140777 order at early times but there were always bards inrepparttar 140778 Druidic order. The Sibylls and oracles ofrepparttar 140779 classical civilizations to whom we owe allrepparttar 140780 war and misogyny to, were also Druidic trained and motivated. This is well documented in many other places. Perhapsrepparttar 140781 person he is quoting is at fault because Rhys even clarifiesrepparttar 140782 importance of women later in this description.

"The Druids were magi as they were hierophants inrepparttar 140783 same sense that;repparttar 140784 American-Indian medicine-man was both magus and priest. That is, they were medicine men on a higher scale, and possessed a larger share of transcendental knowledge thanrepparttar 140785 shamans of more barbarous races. Thus they may be said to be a link betweenrepparttar 140786 shaman andrepparttar 140787 magus of medieval times."

I am sorry to have to butt in again but medieval times wererepparttar 140788 most barbarous and disgusting times; I wonder if this author ever heard ofrepparttar 140789 Dark Ages? They are called that because they spread darkness overrepparttar 140790 mind and soul of all people. They destroyed knowledge and technology withrepparttar 140791 Church andrepparttar 140792 feudal lackeys seeking ever more power. Sure, some of them pranced around in lace and padded powders on their faces. Some even hadrepparttar 140793 occasional bath, every month after they went out and raped a few new brides among their serfs. The idea of medieval times and allrepparttar 140794 gallant knights is pure unadulterated fiction and they spreadrepparttar 140795 Grail legends as a major part of their propaganda. We will deal with this more later but it truly speaks volumes when one reads this kind of accepted and apparently acceptable 'conventional' thinking (?).

Equality in Business? Not if I Can Help It

Written by MaryAnn Shank

I have a splendid sign over my desk. It is bright pink with white letters: “All men are created equal … poor things.”

I have believed for years that women should not aspire to equality with men, nor should any minority aspire to equality withrepparttar “norm”. Women are better than that. So are blacks. So are Hispanics. So are allrepparttar 140588 other minorities.

Whenever I forget this little lesson in life, something seems to crop up to remind me. Most recently, I read an interview that BusinessWeekOnline conducted with Marianne Sensale-Guerin,repparttar 140589 Small Business Administration’s Small Businessperson ofrepparttar 140590 Year. In response torepparttar 140591 question on why she thoughtrepparttar 140592 SBA chose her, Ms. Sensale-Guerin said, “…I think they looked closely at how I treat my employees. I pride myself on taking care of my employees – they have to have insurance, flexible hours, vacation time. We live in a world where you have both parents working, and as an employer, I’m very sensitive to those issues.”

And Ms. Sensale-Guerin’s goal? To be successful enough so that she can sell her business to her employees – they, then, could reaprepparttar 140593 benefits of their hard work while she retired.

How many employers have you ever worked for that were so sensitive torepparttar 140594 present AND future needs of employees? How many employers even care?

No, I am very glad that women are not equal to men. Women bring a whole new perspective torepparttar 140595 business world. And it’s about time.

I’m very glad, too, that we have managed to get pastrepparttar 140596 early years of “women’s lib”. Back then I was one ofrepparttar 140597 early members inrepparttar 140598 businesswomen’s association of Silicon Valley. I am sad to report that we once devoted an entire meeting to talking about what kind of scarf/tie to wear with our business suits: should it be soft and floppy, or short and stiff? Worse yet,repparttar 140599 consensus was that it should be as much like a man’s tie as possible, so that we could “fit in.”

We’ve come a long way, baby. And it’s about time.

My grandmother was an entrepreneur beforerepparttar 140600 word was invented, as yours may have been. Many women were left alone to fend for themselves and raise their families. My grandmother ran a gas station and managed a small farm, with two stickers on her window that she was immensely proud of: one fromrepparttar 140601 Army, and one from Navy, each showing she had a son in their service. That was during WW II. She had raised those two sons herself with her gas station and small farm, and continued with both until her death a decade later.

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