The Vanishing Mail

Written by Elaine Currie, BA (Hons).

It all started inrepparttar early part ofrepparttar 116475 twenty-first century.

Inrepparttar 116476 early days of email we were thrilled with its speed and reliability, far superior to "snail mail" but there's always somebody who has to go and spoil things for everyone else. Inrepparttar 116477 case of email it wasrepparttar 116478 purveyors ofrepparttar 116479 namesake of a certain pork-based substance. They became such a nuisance that large teams of robots had to be employed to keep them under control.

Asrepparttar 116480 porkers got smarter,repparttar 116481 robots had to become smarter still. At first, everybody agreed that stringent measures must be taken to defeatrepparttar 116482 porkers. Ever hearrepparttar 116483 phrase "throwingrepparttar 116484 baby out withrepparttar 116485 bath water" or "the cure is worse thanrepparttar 116486 disease"?

The number of spam merchants multiplied over and over. Eventually,repparttar 116487 only way of controlling them was for every email user to have his or her own robot to filter their mail. I did not want a robot filtering my mail but I didn't have much choice: nobody was allowed an email account without a robot to monitor its use. Every time I log into my email, I pause and listen forrepparttar 116488 faint metallic scraping and a slight pneumatic wheeze asrepparttar 116489 robot wakes and prepares to filter my mail. No matter how quiet I am, he always knows and is instantly awake and alert, ready to do his job. I did not request robotic help, don't want it, don't need it butrepparttar 116490 robot is here to stay.

I think my robot is likerepparttar 116491 paranoid android in The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy: slow moving and depressive, so I call him Marvin (not to his face, of course). I don't suppose my Marvin feels that censoring my mail is a suitable occupation for a robot of his caliber, any more that his namesake thought attendingrepparttar 116492 car park atrepparttar 116493 end ofrepparttar 116494 universe was a great career for a robot with a brainrepparttar 116495 size of a planet. On my part, I am sure that I am old enough to take full responsibility for my own correspondence. There is no need for Marvin to wear out his circuits on my account but it appears that we are stuck with each other forrepparttar 116496 duration.

The extent of Marvin's power first caught my attention when a regular newsletter which I enjoyed failed to arrive. Delivery just stopped altogether.

I asked my email provider if there was a problem with this particular mail and they said there was nothing wrong with my mailbox, it must be a problem withrepparttar 116497 sender. I askedrepparttar 116498 sender why delivery had stopped and they said it hadn't, it must be a problem with my mailbox. I gave up and just resubscribed myself torepparttar 116499 newsletter. Every time delivery stopped after that I wondered what else I might be missing inrepparttar 116500 way of interesting mail.

It was shortly after this that it became apparent to me that Marvin has a bad attitude. Now I can sympathise with him because I know how it feels to be stuck in a boring job whilerepparttar 116501 brain cells shrivel. That doesn't mean I think he should behave badly, he should dorepparttar 116502 job torepparttar 116503 best of his ability (even if it is beneath him) and not make mischief.

You must learn for your business to earn

Written by Arun Pal Singh

Copyright © 2004 Arun Pal Singh

Are you aware ofrepparttar reason why most people fail in their online ventures? It is because most of them don’t know and more importantly are reluctant to commandrepparttar 116474 language and gadgets ofrepparttar 116475 web. Put it simply, they are uncomfortable withrepparttar 116476 technologyrepparttar 116477 internet uses.

Just floating a website and starting a business is not enough. This is crucial first step, no doubt. One has to work further on his business to succeed. The lack of web knowledge might prove to be a handicap.

Please allow me to be clear. Let me be heard loudly and oppose those who sayrepparttar 116478 opposite. To succeed online one must equip himself with technical know-how.

If one does not knowrepparttar 116479 technological part experts can be hired but they come at a price which is almost always unaffordable by a starter ofrepparttar 116480 small business. So this choice is always out. There is no other option left than to know how to do it yourself. Earlier you realize it better it would be.

When I started my online home based business I was a novice onrepparttar 116481 net. Plethora of new terms like HTML, FTP, POP3, email aliases, bandwidth, cgi, php etc. etc. etc. did not make any sense at all.

I tried working by approximation but that made me uncomfortable. I could not makerepparttar 116482 small change in my site that I always wanted to. Every now and then a new or old term would appear again and I was left in a state of confusion.

Because I was uncomfortable I could not concentrate on my business. I could not focus where I should have been. Lack of vocabulary and technical knowledge always held me back. I was a businessman who was not confident of what he was doing. I kept incurring losses until my slumber was broken.

Then I realized I got to learn my basics. I could not always bother others about “how to do this and how could I do that”. Even if somebody is kind enough to reply,repparttar 116483 fear of unknown always diminishesrepparttar 116484 confidence to takerepparttar 116485 bold step.

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