What do you believe about yourself that you wish you didn't? This belief that limits you or, at very least, has undesirable results. What belief is that? There are lots of negative belief patterns out there, here are just a few: *I'm too stupid.* *I'm too short.* *I'm too tall.* *I'm too fat.* *I'm too skinny.* *I'm too poor.* *I never went to college, so I'll never get anywhere.* *My brother/sister is successful one. I'll never get where they are.* *I don't fit in.*
Which belief pattern is yours that you want to change? One of those, or do you have a different one?
Now, what submodalities do you use as you imagine or picture it?
*** TIP: Space is at a minimum here, so I am assuming you've learned submodalities in*Power Picture.* If you haven't, you can read it here: http://www.tameyourbrain.com/powerpicture.htm
Now, let's see a different picture. Imagine or visualize a picture of something you doubt. Something that might be true or might not be -- you're just not sure. What does this picture look like?
Now, list submodalities for your picture of your unwanted belief AND for your picture of doubt.
After you've done that, catalog your feelings for both by answering these questions:
How is your stomach when you see this picture? Is it tight, does it have butterflies in it, is it gurgling, is it upset, does it have a lead weight in it? Or is nothing at all going on in your stomach?
Do you have a weight on your chest/shoulders/head? Or does it feel like a weight is lifted? Or is nothing at all going on in those areas?
Is your heart beating faster or slower?
Is your breathing faster or slower?
Now, you have two lists, one for each picture. Those lists tell submodalities for each picture and feelings that picture has caused in your body.
Now, what new belief would you like to have in place of belief you wish you didn't have? This belief states that you can learn to change, NOT that you have changed.