The Ultimate in Gift Giving Ideas

Written by Tammy Corbett

It's your birthday, as he hands you a nicely wrapped gift wonder lights up your face. You try to containrepparttar excitement and curiosity while you carefully peel offrepparttar 101272 tape. As you pull offrepparttar 101273 box cover you can feel your fluttering heart come to a screeching halt as you uncover a bottle ofrepparttar 101274 same perfume he gave you for Christmas. You let out a small sigh and put on your best surprised face as you graciously say thank you.

Just because you paid a fortune for a gift doesn't mean it will be held in high regard. Sometimesrepparttar 101275 smallest token of affection can makerepparttar 101276 biggest impression. Taking a real look into his or her likes and dislikes can give you a better indication of what to give to someone on that important day.

Gift Giving Tips

Home is whererepparttar 101277 heart is! You can really get a sense of what a person's all about just by taking a glimpse at what they surround themselves with. What type of music do they listen to? Are they elegant or down to earth? What are their favorite colors? Are they romantic?

Job Interview Tips That Work!

Written by Marilyn J. Tellez, M.A.

Job Interview Tips That Work!

1. You've been called for an interview after placing an application or sending out a resume.

2. First step is to: Know why you are interested in this job. Do you have repparttar necessary skills, really?

3. Isrepparttar 101271 job you have applied for, one that you want? Are you acting out of desperation or out of boredom? The job MUST have most in it most ofrepparttar 101272 life goals you want to live by.

4. Be on time forrepparttar 101273 actual interview. If you are asked to wait in a reception area, don't be afraid to letrepparttar 101274 person atrepparttar 101275 desk know that you are glad to be interviewed. (Gatekeepers, often judge an applicant and tell their superiors about what an impression they had about you).

5. It is good to be friendly with your interviewer. Smile, sit down when invited, be sure you can make eye contact and are not sitting in a corner or in an awkward sitting position.

6. There will be some pauses whilerepparttar 101276 inter- viewer is adjusting him/herself into a comfortable position to greet you and ask introductory questions.

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