The Ultimate Motivation

Written by Ken Leonard Jr.

"The Ultimate Motivation"

By Ken Leonard, Jr. ©2002 KLJ Online "Learn to super-motivate with travel" When wasrepparttar last time you went on a vacation? I don't mean taking a week off to paint your house, either. Staying motivated is most important to anyone that wants to grow their business to success. This is often difficult when buried in stress and a heavy workload while running a small home-based business. Without constant motivation, your venture will not survive. Taking time off from your busy schedule once a year can be very beneficial to your overall well-being. Only if you use this time to it's fullest, though. You need to "get out of town", away fromrepparttar 117523 daily influences on your life. This also happens to berepparttar 117524 best way to get "quality time" with your family and friends. Traveling throughout your home country can be a great experience, but if you have never ventured outsiderepparttar 117525 border, you're really missing out. It can be personally enriching to learn howrepparttar 117526 rest ofrepparttar 117527 world lives. The different people you meet, different customs and lan- guages, can be uplifting and sometimes amazing. You will gain a different perspective on life, seeing first-hand that people aroundrepparttar 117528 world have very different ideas of what is important in life. After experiencing life in other lands, you will appreciate what you have right here at home. When traveling abroad,repparttar 117529 hardest part ofrepparttar 117530 trip is leaving when your time is up. You will "wish" that you could stay there longer, or "forever". Well, guess what? You can! Use this feeling as motivation to work hard and build your business and your "situation". Soon, you will be able to stay at that great locale as long as you want. If you play your cards right, you might even find a great

But I Don't Want To Change!

Written by Ken Leonard Jr.

But I Don't Want To Change!

By Ken Leonard Jr. ©2002 KLJ Online You have to be inrepparttar right frame-of-mind to work at home successfully. You must be able to "go withrepparttar 117522 flow" when repparttar 117523 winds of business change. Keeping things fresh and different will help you stay ahead of your competition, and to prosper inrepparttar 117524 long run. *Be A Sponge* The first way to make sure that you are going inrepparttar 117525 right direction is to become "a sponge". You must be eager to learn. Soak up all new information that comes your way. Always have something that you are inrepparttar 117526 process of reading (business- related). Study your marketing techniques to make sure that they are working. Study your competitors inside and out. Listen to what your customers are saying. Look forward to learning something new each day, with a smile! *Change Yourself* Are you not a sponge? Don't worry. It's never too late to change. You just need to leave your "comfort zone". Seek out repparttar 117527 new and different. Research, investigate, educate yourself in something you know little about(business-related). Do things (anything) that you are not comfortable doing. This will allow you to deal with future changes more easily. Once you break-out of your comfort zone, a whole new world will open up to you. *Change Your Job*

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