The Ugly American ReturnsWritten by Virginia Bola, PsyD
Originally published in 1958, "The Ugly American" (Lederer & Burdick) documented American blunders abroad and our failure to identify that what we termed communism in undeveloped countries was merely screams of hunger and hopelessness becoming manifest. 15 years later, we extricated ourselves from Vietnam and licked our wounds for 30 years, finally coming to some sort of accommodation with free fire zones, Agent Orange, and My Lai. Never again, we swore. We would protect our nation's security but only move into war zones when gross injustice or humanitarian concerns demanded a response -- Somalia, Bosnia, first Gulf War.We felt relief: a line in sand had been drawn that we would not cross. The new American protocol called for self-protection but also restraint, a hint of nobility, and belief that, above all, we were primary bastion of freedom, diversity, and rule of law. September 11 shook that hard-fought-for ideal. No longer must we simply protect our borders but now we had to look around us wherever we were - at stranger waiting for a train, sweating, swarthy fellow traveler at airport, foreigners in upstairs apartment. We felt betrayed. The quid pro quo of "You leave us alone and we'll leave you alone" went awry. Those who hate us were intruding into our private space. We felt violated. In a predictable reaction, we struck out, seeking enemy in hills and caves of Afghanistan where our agony had been meticulously planned with premeditation and cold indifference to our pain. For two years, we slowly revised our goals, our ideals, our national commitments. Our outraged sense of self, revulsion, and anger gradually overcame our democratic belief in rights of all to national self-determination. To fight enemy, we became him. We adopted his mindset of ends justifies means. Angry and frustrated at his ability to strike at our very heart and make our world fearful and dangerous, we morphed into him, using offense as a means of defense against terrifying vulnerability we feared to face.
| | Custer and Keogh (Lincoln's Assassination too)Written by Robert Bruce Baird
General George Armstrong Custer And Colonel Myles Keogh By Robert Bruce Baird INSPIRATIONAL COMMENTS: Tacitus historian said: "So obscure are greatest events; as some take for granted any hearsay whatever its source, others turn truth into falsehood and both errors are encouraged with posterity.” "That spiritual power I wear is much more beautiful and much greater. We call it wisdom, knowledge, power and gift or love. There are these four parts to that spiritual power. So I wear those. When you wear that power it will beautify your mind and spirit. You become beautiful. Everything that Tunkashila creates is beautiful." --Wallace Black Elk, LAKOTA “The law in its majestic equality forbids rich as well as poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in streets and to steal bread.” – Anatole France. In words of Samuel Johnson, "Patriotism is last refuge of a scoundrel." "Forty Years ago I fought Custer till all were dead. I was then enemy of Whitemen. Now I am friend and brother, living in peace together under flag of our country." — Two Moons, Northern Cheyenne "Anyone who is willing to live life I have led can do things I do." -Fools Crow INTRODUCTION: Why were Indians armed better than men under command of someone who had Presidential aspirations? After watching a Learning Channel show that proved that point through forensic and archaeological analysis a lot of questions came to my mind in summer of 2004. I am related to Colonel Myles Keogh and our family history will be a starting point for many considerations not commonly heard or seen about Custer and Keogh. I might even wonder out loud about assassination of Lincoln and other corruption and intrigues including founding of Ku Klux Klan by a rogue Masonic devil worship cult. In fact you will not believe truth you might see on these pages if you are a person who believes stuff you read in school or hear on news most every night. Fox News Corporation’s owner says none of his employees can say anything he doesn’t agree with – should we spell it Faux News? I am not first person to wonder if Custer was in hot water due to his support of Indians and his exposure of cronies who put Grant in office. Here is a little part of a review of a semi-fictional book on Custer which suggests exactly what I am trying to understand and which I hope readers will see is all too commonplace in our society. “How could this colorful historical figure have allowed events that brought his untimely end? Was it only political intrigue? We know President Grant {Meaning or including Martinists that became Skull & Bonesmen and Tammany Hall.} had an unbridled animosity toward Custer because he helped expose Grant administration’s callous indifference to plight of Plains Indians.” (1) Keogh was a made man in inner sanctum of power. His importance to General Buford during Civil War followed on heels of his Papal commendation after having fought alongside his fellow Irishmen, who he led in Italian wars with Vatican Army. His grave-tending paramour is none other than New York Governor’s daughter in a time when Tammany Hall ruled all aspects of politics in America. You will see that a Martin name appears on marriage certificate of my paternal grandparents. You might think it is a romantic tale as you hear about how she tended his grave until day she died in Auburn, New York. You might wonder whose daughter it was that she cared for and came to wedding in Toronto to give away. I cannot say for sure that child was her grandchild as I start researching this matter in greater detail. It is possible that she cared for a part Mandan Indian girl that Myles fathered in many trips he and Custer took among Indians. It is almost certain that he would have been sexually active because he was known to enjoy ladies. The child would then have had a child and this Ms. Della Martin would possibly have cared for child if parent died or if she was its grandmother. It is also possible that it was offspring of Keogh’s brother’s children but that does not seem likely due to grave-tending and other things I discovered. You will have to endure a lot of my explorations and make many of your own if we are to learn all we can about man and intrigues that have spawned thousands of books. “Myles probably returned to Ireland in summer of 1874, as his Aunt Mary had died leaving him Clifden in her will. It is accepted amongst his family in Ireland that he became engaged to Nelly Martin around this time, but no positive proof exists at moment.” (2) The Indians had a world of respect for these men who were learning just how corrupt government handling of them had been. The Mandans are white blooded people from before Columbus and Sioux have unique Haplogroup X marker of Kelts or white Caucasians which modern genetics proves goes back into earliest times of white people on earth, some 30,000 years ago. Lincoln is probably a Melungeon and they are people who escaped Empire before Columbus’s invasion of paradise as well. Lincoln had a potential Vice Presidential running mate named Ignatius Donnelly who knew a lot about these things as he wrote best-selling book on Atlantis in his era. There are many undercurrents I could go into great detail about in reference to Lincoln and whole American Experiment. It is my perception that Keogh gave his Papal medals to Sitting Bull and not crap other historians say about Keogh's body being saved from mistreatment (and his horse being only survivor) because of protection of some Christian Pope's medals. “Captain Edward Luce does not think that this medal was found on Keogh's body, but Lt. Godfrey - who was present - told artist E. S. Paxson in 1896 that it had not been removed. Trumpeter Martini, last man to get out, insisted Benteen took medal. Certain historians provide Keogh with two medals: one around his neck, another in his pocket. This is conceivable because Pope awarded him, as a mark of special favour, Cross of Order of St. Gregory. Whatever exact truth most scholars agree that he had Pope's medal, and that it kept his corpse from being abused. But this sounds illogical, as most Catholics in this army would not have been wearing religious emblems.”(3) But in process of researching this book I found Martinist intrigues that may have included both Sitting Bull and Keogh (if not Custer) which will upset a lot of people. The assassination of Lincoln is part of this and it leads to other books I now must do.