"The Two Sides of Medicine"

Written by Warren Matthews

Throughout time there have always been two opposing points of view as to how to maintain good health, or how to regain it after having lost it. This conflict has continued since ancient times ... and no doubt will continue well intorepparttar future.

One 'side' believes good health is as a result of outside intervention... drugs, surgery etc. The other 'side' believes that good health results from living in harmony with natural law... correct nutrition... cleanliness etc.

The ancient Greeks had terms for these two groups of people. As was oftenrepparttar 115018 case in those days each group came underrepparttar 115019 umbrella of a 'god'. One was 'Asklepios'...repparttar 115020 god of medicine, whose proponents advocatedrepparttar 115021 'intervention' approach. These people were known as 'Asklepians'. Those who believed thatrepparttar 115022 secret of good health resulted from living in harmony with nature looked up to 'Hygeia'... Goddess of health. These people were known as 'Hygeian'.

Asklepians versus Hygeian

Both sides tended to be critical ofrepparttar 115023 other... nothing much has changed overrepparttar 115024 ages. Modern mainstream western medicine takesrepparttar 115025 'Asklepian' approach. However, in recent yearsrepparttar 115026 Hygeian approach which has always beenrepparttar 115027 underlying principle behind Chinese traditional medicine has gained much ground. The increase inrepparttar 115028 popularity ofrepparttar 115029 'Hygeian' approach is no doubt due to a combination of several factors:

* Dissatisfaction of traditional mainstream medicine. * Increasing cases of medical 'misadventure'. (Hospitals are places to stay away from) * Awareness that good health is primarily a personal responsibility... not of overworked physicians. * An increasing awareness thatrepparttar 115030 medical industry is highly influenced by drug companies and that there are often better, safer and more economic natural alternatives to drugs.

In spite of this justified 'swing' away from mainstream medicine, mainstream medicine does have a place in everyone's health program ... apart fromrepparttar 115031 obvious ones in treating accident cases or chronic urgent illness. So, if you are already a 'Hygeian' don't over lookrepparttar 115032 benefits that mainstream medicine can offer to you in your overall quest for good health and longevity.

These benefits are primarily inrepparttar 115033 early detection of a pending disease that you may not as yet be aware of!

An example

Let's assume that you are over 40 years of age... you are healthy, fit and not overweight. You eat well, you don't smoke, don't drink excessively and rarely get sick. You probably think that you will live forever... well at least into ripe old age! Right? Maybe... or maybe not.

Reflect on this for a moment. Have you ever known anyone around this age that has died suddenly to your amazement because you thought they were so healthy? That person may even have been a competitive athlete!

Let me tell you a true story.

About 15 years ago a friend of mine who was around 40, a former competitive body builder who was still in great shape and extremely fit was at a lake water-skiing. He was watching some young water-skiers doing some 'tricks'.

Beingrepparttar 115034 competitive person that he was he waited until they came in and went down torepparttar 115035 waters edge and said "Now, I'll show you how to really do it". Those wererepparttar 115036 last words he ever uttered... a couple of minutes later he was lying onrepparttar 115037 ground dead of a massive heart attack.

My friend died instantly. He could just as easily had a stroke which he may or may not have recovered from... which would also have been a major tragedy.

Tragedies can often be avoided

Tragedies like this happen every day andrepparttar 115038 results are devastating not only torepparttar 115039 victims but also their families, friends and loved ones. Sadly, many of these tragedies could have been averted ... if more people were aware of their risk factors and could correct any abnormalities before it was too late!

Now back torepparttar 115040 point of this story. My friend died of a blockage in his artery. Only takes one! If 15 years ago repparttar 115041 technology for measuring ALLrepparttar 115042 'predictors' which indicate your risk of such an event were available AND my friend had understood what they meant he would probably still be showing those young fellows how to do water-skiing tricks!

How many thousands of people are still dying needlessly because they do not know how to take advantage of current technology ... or, in some cases are so opposed to mainstream medicine that they do not take advantage ofrepparttar 115043 'good'parts!


Written by Warren Matthews

It will surprise you! Did you know that if you become ill and you put yourself inrepparttar hands of 'mainstream' medical care and need to be admitted to a hospital thatrepparttar 115017 chances of you dying from an unrelated problem are high? In fact, inrepparttar 115018 USA, deaths from 'iatrogenic' cause rank # 3 after Heart Diseases and Cancer! Let me explain what 'iatrogenic' means. This is a term used when a patient dies as a direct result of treatments by a physician, whether it is from misdiagnosis ofrepparttar 115019 ailment or from adverse drug reactions used to treatrepparttar 115020 illness. (drug reactions arerepparttar 115021 most common cause). This article will provide you with some facts which you should be aware of. I am not presenting these facts in order to have a 'shot' at physicians or indeed for that matter, hospitals. 'HEALTH CARE SYSTEM' IS OUT OF CONTROL! The facts you are about to read are purely symptoms of a system that is largely out of control. Out of control, thanks largely torepparttar 115022 overbearing influence thatrepparttar 115023 pharmaceutical industry has on mainstream medicine.

Mainstream medicine has for some decades now placed more emphasis on medical intervention as opposed to primary care, prevention, and helpingrepparttar 115024 body heal itself by natural methods. The negative results of these policies which can never work are becoming more apparent each year. To determine how seriousrepparttar 115025 problem is you need to consider some statistics. Ironicallyrepparttar 115026 most reliable statistics have been published in none other thanrepparttar 115027 JOURNAL ofrepparttar 115028 AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION (JAMA) Vol 284, No 4, July 26th 2000. The researcher who wroterepparttar 115029 article is Dr Barbara Starfield, MD, MPH, ofrepparttar 115030 Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health. Now let's review what Dr Starfield has unearthed! 'THE FACTS' Are...

2,000 deaths/year from unnecessary surgery 7,000 deaths/year from medication errors in hospitals 20,000 deaths/year from other errors in hospitals 80,000 deaths/year from nosocomial infections in hospitals 106,000 deaths/year from non-error, adverse effects of medications These total up to 225,000 deaths per year inrepparttar 115031 US from iatrogenic causes which ranks these deaths asrepparttar 115032 # 3 killer.

Well above motor vehicle accidents and violent crime. One ofrepparttar 115033 most sobering components of these statistics, although I don't find it surprising is that 106,000 of these deaths result from CORRECTLY prescribed medications. In other wordsrepparttar 115034 physicians were not to blame. They just administeredrepparttar 115035 drugs as perrepparttar 115036 manufacturer's recommendations. MORE DEATHS FROM LEGAL DRUGS THAN FROM ILLICIT ONES Fascinating isn't it... when you consider that deaths from legal drugs far exceed deaths from illicit drugs and yet these deaths go virtually unnoticed and nobody makes a fuss! Dr Starfield also warns that these figures only tell one part ofrepparttar 115037 overall story. 1. They only relate to DEATHS from HOSPITALIZED patients. 2. They do NOT include non fatal adverse effects such as disability or discomfort. Even if you make it throughrepparttar 115038 hospitalization process you are not 'out ofrepparttar 115039 woods'. Consider these further facts. 4% - 18% of patients experience further negative effects in outpatient settings resulting inrepparttar 115040 following:

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