The Turtle and the Rabbit Do Affiliate Marketing

Written by David McCammon

The Turtle andrepparttar Rabbit Do Affiliate Marketing

Once upon a time there was a beautiful Island. The weather was wonderful. It usually rained a little early inrepparttar 102264 morning to freshenrepparttar 102265 air and bring out allrepparttar 102266 wonderful smells. Then again it rained a little at night to bring outrepparttar 102267 lush and beautiful vegetation by morning. Butrepparttar 102268 sun still shown most ofrepparttar 102269 day.

As luck would have it, two descendants ofrepparttar 102270 famous "Tortoise and Hare" lived together on this very same Island!

They were actually pretty good friends, using their laptops to communicate,repparttar 102271 rabbit never stayed in one place long enough to hold a normal conversation.

Besides eating and sleeping all they ever did was play against each other in Internet shooting competitions. Surprisinglyrepparttar 102272 speedy rabbit was notrepparttar 102273 winner as often as you might think.

Tiring of shooting each other in cyberspace they decided to play another game. The Affiliate Marketing Game!

The rules were very simple, join as many or few affiliate programs as they wish and whoever accumulatedrepparttar 102274 most points(measured in money) in 12 months would be declaredrepparttar 102275 winner.

The first few weeks by each was spent learning, they subscribed to ezines, bought books and courses, and participated in forums.

Mr. Turtle started a newsletter based onrepparttar 102276 things that he learned. He built a simple web page designed to collect email addresses and send out his ezine. He learned and practiced building trusting relationships with his subscribers.

Mr. Rabbit used pay per click search engines like google adwords and overture to send targeted visitors directly to his affiliate pages. He learned about keywords, clickthru and conversion rates. He started making money right away.

How the Rich Get Rich Online

Written by Aaron Kater

Howrepparttar Rich Get Rich Online

Do you have a website? Congratulations! You are well on your way to vast streams of income! Do you have a product you’re marketing on your website, or do you have a product that you would like to market, but you don’t know how? You’re about to start learning how you can market your idea or product and earn tidal waves of income!

If you have a website and a product, or if you have a website and you don’t have a product, then this article is geared towards you. If you don’t have a website or if you don’t have a website or a product, then you’ll have to search around for my other article, entitled ‘Howrepparttar 102263 Rich Build Profitable Websites.’

First I’d like to concentrate this part ofrepparttar 102264 article torepparttar 102265 people with a website but no product.

If you already have a website but aren’t pulling in very many people to look at it and refer it to your friends,repparttar 102266 first thing you need to do is to submit your website to as many search engines as possible. To do this, and for either free or extremely cheap, go to Google, or some other search engine of your choice, and type inrepparttar 102267 keyword ‘free online advertising,’ or something like that. Once Google or your engine has pulled up its results, pickrepparttar 102268 first result and submit your website. Once you’re done with this one, go back torepparttar 102269 results page and pickrepparttar 102270 next one, and so on and so forth, until you have submitted your website to at least 100 search engines.

Once you’re done doing that, take a break, maybe a day or so, and then go back to Google and type inrepparttar 102271 keyword ‘free reciprocal link exchange.’ If you don’t already know, a reciprocal link exchange is where you get in touch withrepparttar 102272 owner ofrepparttar 102273 other website (that pertains to your website) and you get him to put a link to you on his site, and in return you put a link to him on your site. Reciprocal links are usually free, and they generate a lot of willing customers, and it establishes a relationship with another website owner that can give you increasing business.

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