The Truth About Money!

Written by Kathy Thompson

How much money do you want? How much is enough? How much money is too much?

The Truth is --- You don't need money! Let's find out why?

Money is really just a form of exchange. Here is an example. 10 people are in a room. Only one person has $1. Person #2 had a pocket knife he was willing to sell to person #1 for $1. Person #1 buys it, givingrepparttar dollar to person #2. Person #3 has a book, which person #2 wants and buys it givingrepparttar 102863 dollar to #3. Person #4 has a watch that #3 buys, so #4 got repparttar 102864 $1. #5 has some earrings #4 bought. This goes on until finally #10 hasrepparttar 102865 dollar. $10 worth of transactions took place with only $1.

The only thing that money can buy is LABOR. Well, think about this. The price you paid for your home buys nothing but labor. The labor paid forrepparttar 102866 felling of trees, reducing them to lumber, labor for makingrepparttar 102867 concrete, and other materials that came fromrepparttar 102868 earth.

When you buy food, you are paying forrepparttar 102869 labor that is involved for growing, cultivating, transporting repparttar 102870 foodstuffs.

How to decide what daycare accounting software to buy

Written by Ryan Hough

Buying daycare accounting software is a major investment. It's an important decision and you need to be sure of allrepparttar facts before you buy. You certainly wouldn't want a situation where your business has grown to 35 children but your software can only handle 30 and there's no way to upgrade. You also don't want to be fooled into buying low priced software and then finding out that you have to make multiple upgrades to get it torepparttar 102862 level you need to effectively run your business. And worst of all you don't want to get software with little or no support.

Cheap Daycare Software

Based on our research,repparttar 102863 cheapest software onrepparttar 102864 internet can be downloaded for a 45 day free trial and costs only $55. This is incredibly cheap considering that other software researched cost $295-$1880. Off-course this leaves you wondering why this daycare software is so cheap.

Customizable Daycare Software

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