The Truth About Luck and How To Get it

Written by Rasheed Ali

I spoke to a close friend today and he said something that greatly disturbed me. Okay it made me so upset I had to write this while thinking, "Whatrepparttar F@#K?!"

I was looking at a catalogue of upcoming seminars given by some VERY famous and successful people.

I called one of my best friends and asked him if he wanted to go. His answer, to sayrepparttar 123080 least Pissed Me Off! He said, "Oh, I'm not gonna' waste my money on that seminar, that guy just got lucky. Dude, some people just get lucky!" Well, why did he have to go and say that to ME of all people???

I said, "Listen Bro, I came from being a homeless runaway to pretty successful AND I'm marryingrepparttar 123081 girl of my dreams!" Am I lucky? Nope, I've earned everything I own and have. I'm no millionaire but I WILL be.

The person he didn't want to go see atrepparttar 123082 seminar is a VERY successful, famous, multi-millionaire entrepreneur. In addition to thatrepparttar 123083 fee was pennies in comparison torepparttar 123084 opportunity to meet and speak to this man. When I say pennies, I mean that people spend more on a pair of jeans!

So, what ISrepparttar 123085 truth about luck?

The truth is that luck is not a random event and it can be proven many different ways. Many very successful entrepreneurs may say that they were lucky but, they as well as I, know better.

What many call luck is really what I call a statistical occurrence that only happens after a specific action is taken. This action may not have been a calculated decision but it is an action towards a desired result.

The Great Adventure

Written by Liz Shaw

(Liz, dressed for hiking, enters with a walking stick in hand and wearing a backpack.)

Hi! My name is Elizabeth Andra Shaw and I'm on a great adventure — a journey called Life, a journey to answerrepparttar question, "Who am I?"

The first 44 years of my life, I lived in a place called Hatville. It was an exciting place. Everyone was very busy because they were wearing many different hats. In Hatville, hats are very popular. People collect hats, and some hats are so rare that they confer great status on their owners. There is competition and envy surrounding high status hats.

I picked up a few hats myself while I lived in Hatville, includingrepparttar 123079 Daughter Hat,repparttar 123080 Sister Hat,repparttar 123081 Physical Therapist Hat,repparttar 123082 Medical Editor Hat, andrepparttar 123083 Wife Hat. In fact (Liz shrugs off her backpack and extracts a hat) here is my favorite,repparttar 123084 Phoenix Mercury Fan Hat! (Liz excitedly modelsrepparttar 123085 hat forrepparttar 123086 audience.)

(Liz turns suddenly serious and leans on her walking stick with both hands.) There came a day, however, when I received word that I could no longer stay in Hatville. I was told I would need to go torepparttar 123087 neighboring country. Well, I didn't want to go! I had heard about that country, its rough terrain,repparttar 123088 pain and suffering that were commonplace amongst its residents. But I was given no choice, and so I set off from Hatville to Cancer Land.

I was interested to learn when I arrived thatrepparttar 123089 residents of Cancer Land also collect hats, but there is no status attached to them. Hats are merely a way of keepingrepparttar 123090 sun off a tender bald head. There was less hustle and bustle there, but just as much activity. Instead of chasing status,repparttar 123091 residents of Cancer Land kept very busy counting their blessings. A gorgeous sunset that God painted just for me. The whirr of a dragonfly passing by. The softness of a kitty's belly. As I became busy counting my blessings,repparttar 123092 terrain didn't seem quite so rough andrepparttar 123093 suffering didn't seem quite as unbearable as I had heard it would be. I learned to be content in Cancer Land by living inrepparttar 123094 moment and receiving all of its blessings. I also met my inner child, and here is one of her favorite things. (Liz extracts a stuffed animal fromrepparttar 123095 backpack.) This is Gideon, my chemokitty. He went with me to treatment because my other cats weren't allowed. Yes, Gideon and I did a lot of tough stuff together.

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