The Truth About Google Adsense

Written by TJ Smith

Make $$$$ with Google Adsense! Top Paying Keywords! $100 per click!

You have seen these headlines, right? Are they real? Can one person clicking on you Adsense links really earn you a $100? Maybe, maybe not. Most ofrepparttar top paying keyword lists are a big crock of S**T! There is no doubt thatrepparttar 138137 adsense program is one ofrepparttar 138138 most successful marketing programs ever created. And yes webmasters are making money with Google Adsense but how much and how are they doing it isrepparttar 138139 real question.

There are too many scam artists who are trying to rip you off with some so called "top paying keyword list" Don't fall for it! Yes some keywords are worth $5 $10 $50 or even a $100 because that is whatrepparttar 138140 advertiser is willing to pay Google to display those ads. It doesn't mean that is what you are going to make. Think about it, if a company is willing to pay $100 per click don't you think they are going to be watchingrepparttar 138141 numbers pretty close. For that price they want highly qualified leads not thousands of people clicking on it and running up there tab. 1000 clicks at $100 each is $100,000. Now if that company gets $500,000 in business, fine but if they get $500 in business for that return then asrepparttar 138142 Donald says "someone will be fired!"

Inrepparttar 138143 course of building several websites and using Google Adsense I made several discoveries. I put together a crappy little website and that crappy little website earned me $100 in a month. Not big money but pretty surprising since I didn't have that many visitors. Don't believerepparttar 138144 screen shots showing you making hundreds a day and thousands a week. It could happen but those screen shots have been altered to inflaterepparttar 138145 income. Putting these discoveries into use on other websites have proven they work. There is no reason you can't make a $1000-$3000 a month over a period of time. I am not going to kid you. It takes work but once you getrepparttar 138146 ball rolling you will see your income rise. It is one thing to sell you a list of "top paying keywords" its another to tell you how to set up your websites and how to drive traffic to it.

When Search Engine Marketing and Trademarks Collide

Written by Tommy Maric

Inrepparttar world of marketing, branding issues are always an important part of any campaign. Companies work hard for their name to be recognized as a quality organization and a leader in their field. Companies will defend any action they see as a negative to their brand. They do not want unauthorized third parties to advertise their products, because they may do it in a poor manner which will generate negative consequences forrepparttar 137973 quality ofrepparttar 137974 company’s brand. Recently, Google was charged with trademark violations by Geico and American Blinds. The cases (C 03-05340 JF US District Court For The Northern District Of California San Jose Division) have gone torepparttar 137975 discovery phase of litigation, which meansrepparttar 137976 judges have said there is enough there right now factually to potentially justify these lawsuits. The impact of this trial could be vast for search marketers.

A “trademark” is a word, symbol (i.e., logo) or phrase used to identify a particular product and distinguish it from other products inrepparttar 137977 marketplace. The degree of distinctiveness or uniqueness is what usually determines legal protection. Terms or symbols that are not unique to a particular product or company are generally not given protection. Generic terms are also not protected. The claims made by Geico and American Blinds are that Google’s AdWords program violatesrepparttar 137978 law by allowing competitors to purchase keywords that are protected trademarks. Geico and American Blinds contest that by allowing advertisers to bid on their keyword that is in essencerepparttar 137979 same thing as sellingrepparttar 137980 Geico or American Blinds name without their authorization.

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