The True Cost Per Minute of Long Distance

Written by Raymond A. Klesc

*** The True Cost Per Minute of Long Distance ***

Mathematics is unerring. As a child we are taught that 2 + 2 = 4. This will never change and will always yieldrepparttar same results; except when it comes to calculating you phone bill.

Most long distance carriers advertise their low rate per minute costs. However, before you can really make an informed decision as to which carrier offersrepparttar 103788 best value you need to consider all ofrepparttar 103789 “other” costs that may be buried inrepparttar 103790 fine print. Read all ofrepparttar 103791 restrictions and costs in detail then analyze these “added” costs against your specific calling habits. Only then will 2 + 2 truly equal 4.

For instance, many carriers will charge a monthly fee in order for you to qualify for their low rate per minute charge; while other carriers will impose a minimum monthly usage charges. If you fail to reach this minimum usage then you are charged added costs.

The key to gettingrepparttar 103792 overall best value on your long distance is to review your monthly statements and analyze your calling habits. The key things to look for arerepparttar 103793 total number of minutes, call duration, for all of your long distance calls. Does this number change every month or is it more or less constant? Is there a particular state or states that you call more often than others?

Once you have this information at hand you then make detailed calculations to determinerepparttar 103794 true cost per minute of various calling plans. You need to be able to takerepparttar 103795 additional charges (monthly fee, minimums and so forth) and divide it by your usage (total number of minutes) then add that to your rate per minute. Only then will you have a true cost per minute of your long distance carrier or analyzerepparttar 103796 various plans from other carriers.

Let’s take a look at some examples and you’ll get a better feel for what I am saying. Here are three plans (“A”, “B” and “C”) for comparison with three different individuals:

Plan “A” - $0.04/minute, plus monthly fee of $5.95; Plan “B” - $50.00 for 1200 minutes, plus $.07/minute overrepparttar 103797 1200 minutes; and Plan “C” - $0.10/minute with no other fees.

Now let’s look at three different users and determine which plan providesrepparttar 103798 best value.

Tania: Tania’s total annual long distance usage was 14,400 minutes, averaging 1200 minutes per month. However, her usage was not consistent with some months as low as 600 minutes and other months as much as 1,800 minutes. In her case we can calculaterepparttar 103799 three plans this way:

Plan “A” 600 min. months: ($.04 x 600) + $5.95 = $29.95 1,800 min. months: ($.04 x 1800) + $5.95 = $77.95 Her total bill forrepparttar 103800 year: (6 x $29.95) + (6 x $77.95) = $647.40 Total cost per minute: $647.40 / 14,400 = $.045/minute

Plan B 600 min. months: $50.00 1800 min. months: $50.00 + ((1800 / 1200) x $.07) = $92.00 Her total bill forrepparttar 103801 year: (6 x $50.00) + (6 x $92.00) = $852.00 Total cost per minute: $852.00 / 14,400 = $.059/minute

Preparing to be an Entrepreneur

Written by Darrin F. Coe, MA

I believerepparttar free market economy andrepparttar 103787 wealth of a community is built onrepparttar 103788 back ofrepparttar 103789 entrepreneur Takingrepparttar 103790 entrepreneurial business path can be exciting, exhilarating, and an emotional roller coaster of ups and downs. There are a number of factors you should consider as you consider, prepare, and move forward intorepparttar 103791 world ofrepparttar 103792 entrepreneur.

Consider your motivation for pursuing self-employment

Many people consider going into business forrepparttar 103793 wrong reasons. – They want more free time (You’ll work longer hours owning your own business) – They want to be wealthy and have their own money (Remember, you asrepparttar 103794 owner get paid last) – They want to turn a hobby into a business (Many times hobbies lose their enjoyment when they become businesses)

Go into business because you love business. If you can combine a love for business with another talent then you’ve got a shot at making it. Some ofrepparttar 103795 most talented hobbiests make terrible business people because they don’t love business.

== personal note ==

I’m a great example of this. I love to write and I love to write about success, business, growth, and development. I love to do research and share that information with others. Unfortunately, I’m terrible at business and don’t have a strong passion for it. I’ve learned thisrepparttar 103796 hard way by starting and closing a number of micro businesses. So if you love business and combine it with talent go for it.

== personal note ==

So if you believe entrepreneurship is right for you, what should you do as you begin you entrepreneurial path?

1. Make a long term strategic plan You won’t be able to jump right in. You’ll need to look intorepparttar 103797 future and set some time tables. Considerrepparttar 103798 next year as a year for planning and preparing. – How will you obtain funding? – You’ll need to develop a comprehensive business plan – You’ll need to garnerrepparttar 103799 support of family and friends – You’ll need to develop leasing, licensing, and facilities – You’ll need to prepare forrepparttar 103800 emotional roller coaster of small business – You’ll need to develop a debt reduction plan – You’ll need to develop your product and/or service – You’ll need to do some market analysis – You’ll need to do some feasibility studying.

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